
Jamaica sustainable tourism

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An analysis of the tourism industry in Sochi, Russia and the expected influence of the olympic games (2014) on tourism in Sochi.

Table of content:
1. Introduction. 3
2. Methodology. 4
3. Tourism industry. 6
3.1. Accommodation and eateries. 6
3.2. Sports. 7
3.3. Attractions. 8
3.4. Weather and nature. 8
4. Problems. 9 4.1. Tourism. 9 4.2. Infrastructure. 10 4.3. Weather. 11 4.4. Neighbours. 11 4.5. Organisations against Olympics. 12
5. Changes in tourism industry. 12
6. Creating an outlook. 15
7. Conclusion. 16
8. Bibliography. 16

1. Introduction Olympic games …show more content…

However, weather can also be a strength of town, because it is located in subtropical zone what has its own benefits, because weather anomalies are not constant. Weak infrastructure is the biggest problems in Russia globally. There 's a hoary old Russian saying that in Russia there are two eternal problems:
"Дураки и Дороги" (Roads and Idiots). - Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov at a conference panel discussion on transport issues July 30, 2009, Russia. Infrastructure will be mentioned and discussed later in project. Any town that was known because of Olympic games usually stays in tourist minds and creates a brand and even people with “geography is not my strongest side” will recognise the place for a long time after. The town itself will become a “center of the world” while hosting Olympic games, attracting attention in a worldwide measure. According to Russian tourism industry union research 3 international demand for visiting Russia is growing and shows very positive progress. In total the amount of tourists entered in Russia in 2011 increased by 9% comparing to 2010, and by 8% comparing 9 month of year 2012 (January-September) to the progress in 2011. Domestic tourism

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