
James Buchanan Research Paper

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This paper is about James Buchanan, our 15th president to be elected. As this paper continues we’ll learn about James Buchanan and his life leading into the office of presidency. President Buchanan was born on April 23, 1791 to Irish immigrant parents near Mercersburg, Pennsylvania in Cove Gap, Pennsylvania. Buchanan has several siblings. He was the 2nd oldest of 11. The siblings name was Mary, Jane Buchanan Lane, Maria Buchanan Magaw/Yates, Sarah Buchanan Huston, Elizabeth E. Buchanan, Harriet Buchanan Henry, John, William Speer, George Washington, and Edward Young. He was the only president that did not marry, some people thought he was gay. Before he was on the office in 1819, he was engaged to Ann Caroline Coleman during 1769-1819. Ann …show more content…

She requested that her favorite uncle, James Buchanan be her legal guardian. Shortly after her uncle adopted her she was put in a boarding school in Charleston, Virginia. During her teen years flirted happily with numerous men calling them “pleasant but dreadfully troublesome.” James often warned her about “rushing precipitately into matrimonial connections.” She took her uncles advice and waited until she was almost 36 to marry. James Buchanan graduated Dickinson College at age 16 and was a gift debater and learner of the law. James was elected five times into the House of Representatives. Next he went to serve as a Senate for a decade, then he became Polk’s Secretary of State and Pierce’s Minister to Great Britain. After serving as Secretary of State, he attempted to win Presidency in 1852 but failed. In 1856, James decided to try to run for the president again. During the general election, James was give a nickname by the Republicans of the the presidential campaign, his names were “Old Buck” and “Ten-Cent Jimmy”, the reason James got called Ten-Cent Jimmy is because he said “10 cents was fair daily pay for manual laborers. James Buchanan maintained his main point in his campaign that slavery was an issue to be decided by individual states and territories. On the other hand his opponent John Fremont, a explorer and U.S. Senator of California, he said that the federal government should ban slavery out of all

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