
James Mcteigue's V For Vendetta

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In V for Vendetta, by director James McTeigue, the character Evey experiences a rebirth by shaving her head. Her conversion is forced upon her by V through torture and imprisonment, forcing her to deal with emotions that she had been running from her whole life stemming from the government killing her mother and father because they were political activist; rebelling against the false truth that the country forced upon their people. Knowing this, the imprisonment pushes her to live without fear invoking revenge. The opening scene in V for Vendetta is in black and white which gives connotations of historical context; "1812 Overture" by Tchaikovsky, the music during the opening is similar to what is played when someone is embarking on a battle, …show more content…

She now represents the people not being afraid of the government, but the government being afraid of the people. The civilian people are now free to practice individualism. Evey represents everything that the government deemed to be ungodly. Evey goes on to state that “ …an idea can still change the world”, which points to her being a representation of the society as a whole. Evey represents Valerie, who went through the same imprisonment and the processes of having her head shaved. In the 1940’s in Paris, it was a common punishment for women that were accused of involvement in forbidden activities with the Nazis. Valerie went through this ordeal for being a homosexual and that was seen by the government as holding the same severity resulting in her death. Evey represents V, who refused to believe the false truth that the government spread. V has his own truth and seen to seek revenge on the politicians so he is seen as a terrorist and so is Evey. V finds integrity in doing so and is willing to die with integrity, knowing that he had a purpose and so does Evey. Evey represents her parent who were activist who died trying to promote freedom and

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