“All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath.”
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
James Patterson is offering an online writing class called, ‘James Patterson Teaches Writing.’ He is offering it through: MasterClass.com
• Twenty two video lessons, where James teaches you how to create characters, write dialogue, and keep readers turning the page
• Lifetime access to the entire class!
• Q&A with James
• Critiques of your project if you enroll by July 20th.
The entire class is ninety-dollars. There is a book, which is not included in that ninety-dollars, you will need to buy. ‘Honeymoon’ by Patterson and Howard Roughan.
Maybe you took an online class from your local college, and you learned one or two things you didn’t know. That class was 'around' the same price as this class. Local colleges such as Elgin Community College, offer a number of online writing classes. The differences are their classes do not have lifetime access, and they don’t have James Patterson teaching the class.
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According to the MasterClass site, “Each video lesson is paired with notes, reading materials, and assignments to make sure you get the most out of your class.”
You have instant access to all the classes as soon as you sign up. You can finish them quickly or take your time. If you enroll by July 20 you can get your projects first lines critiqued and he will answer your questions. Enroll by July 20th to have a chance to have him see your writing. You send a video question and he answers the same
A 10 year old boy is hailed a hero after an unfortunate bus failure. Nicholas Sierra, a 10 year old safety patrol saved 3 small children from drowning in a partly submerged bus. At 2:29 pm on a Thursday coming back from school, his bus spun off the road into a nearby pond in Hillsborough County. Nicholas acted fast and carried out one kindergartener from the bus in alligator infested water. Then he actually went back in a brought out 2 more kids, a second and first grader both not knowing how to swim. The rest of that night Nicholas was traumatized. The bus driver, Lenior Sainfilmin, was suspended with pay in till investigators figure out what went wrong. Lenior though states that he tried to stop the bus but the brakes ended up being corroded
This book provides a detailed examination of the life, the political career, and achievements of the 3rd President of the United States. It goes to discuss his beliefs and the way that it influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence.
One day at middle of the night four friend made their way to the abandoned hospital on 7th street and the four friends were Ryland, Manuel aj,and Ashton.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to my complaints and for performing a walk-through at the project site.
James McBride meets Aubrey Rubenstein out of the blue. James randomly walks into his office and introduces himself as Rachel's son; he explains he is writing a book about his family and he needs more information about his grandparents and his mother's siblings. “When I walked into his office and explained who I was, he looked at me a long time, long time. He didn't smile. He didn't Frown.”(McBride 223). Aubrey was trying to recall who he was. This was a complete surprise for Aubrey; to finally hear about another jew in Suffolk, especially one about an old friend. James gives Aubrey a tape recorder in which Aubrey says a message to Rachel. As James promises to come back in a couple months, he never does. He decides to come back ten years later,
What will you have for dinner? This question is harder than what it seems. Eating may seem to be a simple act, a thing not to be worried about. This may be true for animals such as koala: if it looks, smells, and tastes like eucalyptus, it is good. But it is not the case for humans. We have such a large array of options that the act of choosing the food we are going to eat is indeed difficult. On top of that, there is another problem. Unless you grow it yourself, you do not exactly know where food comes from. In his book, Michael Pollan, by embarking the reader into a discovery journey, explains both of this topics using his research and experience.
During the Holocaust, many townspeople were aware of the events occurring within the concentration camps. In the book, Night by Elie Wiesel, the townspeople remained complacent with the Nazis. Some people even went as far as taunting the Jews when they were transported through towns. The Nazis during that time had a very strong influence and used fear to incite citizens to remain cooperative.
The Accountable Care Organization was designed for quality care but it also focuses on the revenue that is brought to the organizations. Furthermore, it can lower costs. Theoretically, ACO’s lower costs and more improve the quality of care. The are both benefits and drawbacks of ACOs. On the positive side, they have been proven to lower costs for the payers. ACO’s have payment aligned with the quality and efficiency of care delivered. ACOs are a new Medicare payment used to help expand Medicare and private payers. ACOs are not an HMO plan or PPO plan. ACOs are used to implement comprehensive payment reform. There are three ACO payment options. These options are Shared Savings, Partial Capitation/Bundled Payment and Full Capitation.
“Washington… was a ‘promised land’ to many a freeman… it was the capital of the nation– that is, of the North that had set them free.”
I need to improve my writing skills. I am going to take a class on composition and go to the Writing Center more often
In Okay For Now, written by Gary D. Schmidt, he wrote about certain people who talk about their rough times, and they say okay for now because things could always get worse. In the book, the characters best for the topic is Doug, Lil, and Lucas. They all struggle with something, but they keep it to themselves for the most part. Okay For Now means the characters feel good and Doug, Lil, and Lucas all feel okay at the moment.
Connell, C. M., & Sole, K. (2013). Essentials of college writing (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education,
Steinbeck uses imagery and structure to champion his theme that it is peoples’ intrinsic character that will ultimately push them to survive even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
To conclude, the idea of teaching writing with CALL definitely offers much in the way of learning value. Particularly the concept of giving feedback to a learner in a variety of approaches gives more potential for learning than previously ever predicted. The many different forms of feedback discussed in this assignment isolate different learning methods and responses from a student. There are two studies that look specifically into how effective online learning environments are and both indicated that automated feedback adds significance to student writing, although students do not appear to enjoy the process as much as being in a classroom. These studies identify two important points, that learning how to write should be engaging and that other real people tend to make it more so. Of these two studies, one was a huge data sample and one was
Over the past four months, I have made great strides as a writer. The area where I have seen the most growth is in my use of the writing process. Prior to my enrollment in this course, I would sit down and write all my papers in one sitting. This class has taught me how to lay out a plan for my papers. I have learned how to effectively brainstorm/research, draft, and revise my writings before I complete them. Also I have learned to not just stop there, instead I am now going back and reflecting on my work after I complete it. This allows me to identify where I prospered and also where my downfalls may have been. With this information, I am able to apply this to future writings of mine; lessons that will stay with me forever.