
James Polk And Manifest Destiny

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Around the mid 1800s, the United States was focused on the idea of ‘expansion’. This idea was influenced by Manifest Destiny- a term that the U.S. not only could, but was destined to, stretch from coast to coast and its economic nature, which was the increased development and advancement of industry in the United States. As the U.S. began to grow more powerful and internally sound, they were able to add more land and, subsequently, states, into the Union. The vast majority of this expansion occurred during the presidency of James Polk as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, which ceased the Mexican-American war. The conception of this war was the brainchild of Polk and was what resulted from his presidential ideologies. President James Polk was responsible for the start of the Mexican-American war to a great extent due to his expansionist ideologies and succeeding actions, aspiration to annex the regions of California and Texas, and contributions of troops along the Rio Grande River in 1846. To begin with, during the election of 1844, James Polk was considered to be a long shot and a definite underdog. However, Polk gained the support of many Americans through his clear desire to defend the territories of the United States and to further expand them. This ideology became prevalent through his campaign slogan, “54-40 or fight”, referring to the territory that, at the time, was disputed between the United States and Great Britain, when is modern-day Canada and the

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