
Jane Addams Greatest Accomplishments

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Who is Jane Addams? That’s a question that a lot of us probably are unable to answer. Well for one she is recognized as the founder of the social work. And two she was one of the probably two or three most famous women in the United States, along with being one of the most beloved Americans in the world. She is quite an interesting person with plenty of accomplishments ranging from publishing eleven books and hundred of articles on important topics to being the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Although she has many notable works that she has done throughout her lifetime she has also had many struggles that have shaped her future and even ours altogether. Born in Cedarville, Illinois, Jane Addams was the youngest of 8 children …show more content…

In this book, A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil, she basically stated that if women were to have a steady salary then women would not be as apt to become prostitutes. She goes on to talk about the economic consequences and how women’s rights to vote would benefit the economy in the long run. Addams always seemed to be engaged in helping others by trying to instill hope and strength so that they themselves could get up from difficult situations. One of Addams’s first crusades was in the sector of garbage. In the 1800’s garbage was a big problem in Chicago. The garbage that would pile up on the streets, sidewalks, and alleys would not only attract flies and rodents but a disease called bred. Half the children born in the late 1880’s would die before even reaching their fifth birthday. Addams filed 700 complaints in a single summer but no one really paid attention to them. Addams was determined to do something so she applied to become the Nineteenth Ward’s garbage collector in 1894. She was rejected but in 1895 became a Nineteenth Ward Garbage Inspector instead because Mayor George Swift found her to be a thorn in his side. During the 3 years she had that position she improved not only the cleaning aspect but was even able to lower the wards death rate from 3rd to 7th of the city’s 34

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