
Jane Shore's This One

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Jane Shore’s poem, This One, gives an inside look on the breakdown of a relationship. I guess what the statistics have been reign true; America has the highest divorce rate in the entire world. How appropriate. Anyways, think of our speaker as a child both main characters, This One and That One, share. Though the speaker does not have a juvenile mindset, as he is clearly quite developed in thought and words choice, that does not matter. He stands observing both parties as they try to break away from each other while noticing them equally inflicting pain. The purpose of this piece is to highlight the pathetic, hurtful and difficult separation of a couple from a third parties inside perspective, however, there is no positive ending to make us believe …show more content…

This breakdown is just that- pathetic, hurtful and painful, yet portrayed beautifully by our speaker. I love the line Shore uses to describe both of the ex couple’s healing processes’, “That One drinks hot tears for breakfast; This One whiskey-on-the-rocks.” There is no denying that breaking up is a horrific feat of the heart, however through lines like these and, “So This One cut their dog in half” the reader is left with powerful images that replace explanation. Jane Shore has mastered the important literarily art of “Show don't tell.” Trough her impeccable imagery and her ability to utilizing action effectively, she helps us to understand the breakup process. For this particular couple, one party cheated a contracted an S.T.D. While friends waver between the two, the game of torture beings. However, I spied something interesting- the speaker does not chose a side. Shore is

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