
Janet Mcnulty's Solaris Seethes

Decent Essays

Solaris Seethes by Janet McNulty is an epic space adventure that is reminiscent of stories like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and perhaps even a bit of Battlestar Galactica. The story is centered on Rynah, a female from the planet Lanyr that is forced to delve into the ancient myths of her people in order to save her planet. Her grandfather was known for his belief in the ancient myths and he built Solaris, a highly-intelligent AI system living in the walls of an old spaceship, created to help with the adventure. Solaris Seethes quickly turns into a space adventure when Solaris summons four Earthlings, all from different time periods to the ship to help Rynah on her quest. The crew travels through space in search of six ancient crystals to save Lanyr, and an epic journey ensues! They encounter space pirates, man-eating plants, and several other surprises that all promise imminent doom for the crew. …show more content…

McNulty did a nice job creating attention-grabbing. What I mostly liked was how all four of the humans that come to Solaris are from different time periods on Earth. You have a man that lives in B.C. times, a Viking warrior, a teenage girl from 2014, and an inventor from 2080. This certainly made the book more unique and adds some depth to the story. In addition, the “character” Solaris adds a comedic undertone to a somewhat serious book. Solaris is downright sassy, and although she is simply an AI system, she seems to have thoughts, feelings, and intuition; the same as any

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