
Japan 's Foreign Capital Liberalization

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INTRODUCTION In the several decades after the Second World War, the foreign countries took means of the direct investment to Japan, but it present the general trend of the low jumping-off point and limited progress. At the early period of 50s, there are merely two to three million dollars in each year’s scales. The Japanese government formally revealed a large scale of introducing the foreign capital once it implemented the first capital liberalization in 1967. During 1981 to 1986, the total amount invested from foreign countries has reached 42 billion dollars over the period of these 5 years. To compare vertically, years of the investment scale growth tend to rise, but it defer extremely comparing with whatever the amount that Japan …show more content…

Since 1998, Japan has continuing swung up in three years by drawing the foreign investment and created its record at an historic high. Two years later, by contrast, the foreign capital rising up to 31.5%, total amount achieved 282.76 billion dollars,incidentally,U.S became the biggest investor to Japan from that year. In order to figure out the context of economics of Japan and the roughly prospect of investing japan by the foreign investors at the contemporary era, this paper will narrate and analyze the following four sections:
1. The major state of development of field of finance in Japan during the last 30 years.
2. The last half-century, the economy history of Japan so far to date since the World War II.
3. Giving the interpretative statement of Japan economics from macro and micro aspects through integrating the trapped data and materials.
4. Carrying out the entailed general assessment of Japanese economy and offering the outlook for the outside investors’ investment behaviors to Japan.


Postwar Economic Recovery (1946-1955) The second year after the World War II, Japan started embarking on the economy revival. Due to the country was devastated by long term War, the production capacity has been fallen sharply, and also resulted by

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