
Japanese Canadians Essay

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Many if not most, considered World War II, the most atrocious act of all time. It was viewed as a war of beliefs and ideals. One side, vouching for domination, while another for freedom; One side slaughtering and discriminating due to nationality, race, and religion; the other fighting against for freedom, sovereignty, and peace. In reality, the war was not as black and white as that. Though the Axis Powers did commit heinous Crimes against humanity (I.E Holocaust, Murder of millions, Attempt at world domination etc.), the allies also had their own dark moments. Joy Kogawa displays the horrors of the allies’ dark side shockingly accurately in the book “Obasan”. The book talks about the impact of a Loathing Society and internment on …show more content…

Furthermore, all Japanese newspapers and businesses were shut down. In Obasan the same events occurred as they were evicted from their home, separated and sent to various places across western Canada. This had an adverse psychological and economical impact on them, as the family was stripped of their possessions, jobs, and families. It had such an impact that people like Naomi, in real life still are haunted by it. The Psychological impacts put upon the Japanese-Canadians, weren’t just the horrible experiences, or the separation of family and friends. Rather the impact due to the discrimination of the Japanese-Canadians by the government and the rest of society had a deeper impact. The hatred of the Japanese-Canadians by the Government and the people had an Enormous impact on the people’s well being, and the way they viewed themselves. The government after the relocation sold most of the properties and confiscated possessions of the Japanese-Canadians. They also took out all of the Japanese Newspapers, restricted Telephone and mail Services, thus Preventing Communication. Furthermore, the media was full of “Anti-Japanese-Canadian Rhetoric.” Finally the Greatest hatred against came from not the media, nor the government, but the people around them. Sent to remote and deserted areas, or work/concentration camps,

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