Jason Bright and Shane Van Gisbergen had an epic battle in the later stages of todays 200km race at Sydney Motorsport Park, although the events that followed have put a question mark over Jason Brights podium finish. The pair made contact after an admittedly failed dive by the Kiwi at turn 6 which resulted in the BOC racer spinning into the grass. Bright then continued across the grass and rejoined the track having made the gap to car behind slightly larger. Watch the vision of the incident below and vote on the Social Guru Poll: Should Bright keep his
A new show is coming to E! this week and you are not going to want to miss this one. Travis Kelce is going to try and find love on the new show Catching Kelce. This show will follow Kelce as he tries to find love with fifty different women. E! Online shared all about Travis' new show and what big bombshell he will tell the women on the first episode.
Where would you rather live, the United States or Qatar? Easy, United States, but what if you had the choice between the United States or Qatar, but if you chose Qatar you will be given five million dollars and you only had to be there for 3 weeks. Okay, most of you reasonable people would choose Qatar, and I would imagine most of you would do it for the money. FIFA or the International Federation of Associated Football (Soccer) was bribed into making that same decision over the 2022 World Cup (Berlin), which is without a doubt the most watched and visited sporting event in the world, and now it will be witness in one of the smallest and hottest countries in the world. Now this raises the question on how these very prominent issues such as corruption (Berlin), Doping (Drepper), Money Laundering (FBI 24 Years Bribery and Corruption), the Violations of Basic Human Rights
Grant Matthews’s girlfriend Kay Thorndyke and Jim Conover want to make him the next President to do so the relationship between Mr. Matthews and Ms. Thorndyke has to end. To carry out this Mary Matthews joins her husband and travels with him, she supports her husband’s effort to help everyone in America, but also witnesses her husband be brainwashed by his campaign managers to target the influential politicians. Before her, infuriated monologue Mrs. Matthews let Mr. Matthews know that the kids and her would no longer be giving speeches because he wasn’t the man they knew, the man who would stand up for the poor now he was just as corrupt as the politicians he worked with, their goal to win the presidential elections, in this monologue she used emotional appeal to make Mr. Matthews understand that he had changed.
Well, here's the more detailed version for you (but not the super detailed version—that's over in the detailed summary linked at left). After months of separation, Rojack is finally fed up with his marriage to Deborah Kelly, a wealthy heiress, so he ends up taking out this anger in the worst possible way, strangling her to death and framing it as a suicide.
Thank you all for attending this presidential nomination campaign to show your support for Mrs. Teresa Matthews. It warms my heart on this chilly day to see the American people take a stand for their beliefs. I am honored to have been selected by Mrs. Matthews as her vice president and given the privilege to introduce her before she speaks with you, her supporters. I have worked alongside Mrs. Matthews for what seems like millennia and know her well. Her accomplishments are loftier than those of many of her opponents’ as well as her ideals. I know her supporters have already realized these facts well. You all know that, together, we can, we will, continue to represent the great American dream, lifestyle, and values. Electing Mrs. Matthews
Rylee Lucian was born and raised in the city of Santa Cruz, California. He is the only son of Carl and Rebecca Lucian. Growing up Rylee was a always a quiet, creative, kind & well mannered young man. Starting from a very young age Rylee could see people others could not. At first the sightings frightened him. He did not know what to do often waking his parents in the middle of the night to make the scary people go away. His parents didnt think too much into it believing it was just his wild imagination or dreams. As Rylee grew older he became more comfortable with his gift of being able to see people who had passed. While he attended school he mostly kept to himself as most of his peers thought he was strange. He would get teased and bullied a lot for
It all started when Colin Kaepernick’s a famous football player who decided not to do the national anthem on Saturdays games and sparked a change, a sort of protest. Colin, a professional quarterback in a largely populated city San Francisco, team name 49ers of the N.F.L., Colin K., decided not to stand up for the national anthem as the rest of the audience and media capture this movement. Till this day Colin still continues to kneel for the national anthem in his sports games and in different arenas.
The piercing, cacophonous wails of an ensemble of curious infants on a mission of exploration. Their small worlds shaken and their trust betrayed by the very caregivers who were supposed to provide and care for them; they have suddenly turned on them and replaced joy with immense pain and confusion (whatever happened to the Nightingale Pledge?). A newfound sense of curiosity suddenly replaced with a fear instilled upon them at an age when exploration is commonplace and discovery is supposed to be encouraged.
Hello,My name is D’Azion Jackson,I am 14 years old and I am in the 7th grade.I should go to Academy 360 because,I have learned what is right for my education and what is not needed for my education.I will contribute good behavior throughout the school year,and i highly believe that Academy 360 will help get on the right track.I also believe that the Academy will help motivate me to do better than I already am and help me do better
We would like to join the golfing community in celebrating Jason Day's record-setting P.G.A. Championship victory on Sunday, capturing his first major title and holding off two-time 2015 major winner Jordan Spieth.
A 46 year-old woman who is receiving government benefits recently created a firestorm when she appeared on a British television show entitled "Benefits Britain." The woman's name is Debbie Merton, and she receives $1,700 per month in government benefits. She has not been able to work because of a disability that she has had for 24 years.
Want to know how to bounce back from a horrific childhood, loss of every family member you've ever had, adultery, and a failed marriage?
Today when Miep came up to the Annex Mr. Van Daan took Mrs. Van Daan fur coat and told Miep to sell the coat and get money and get him more cigarettes and Mrs. Van Daan started to cry because Mr. Van Daan just sold her favorite fur coat. Anne and I(Peter) have been getting closer after all of this has happen, We have been talking about our problem and we have been this lately and one night when we were talking about our problems like normal and when she had to leave Anne and I kissed.Later that night Mrs. Frank threatens to throw Mr. Van Daan out because he was eating the bread and not the rats so they got into a big argument about the whole thing then Mr. Dussel started to count the potatoes left and margot started yelling at him for doing that, now there was two big arguments going on in the middle of the night. The next day when miep was down stairs a factory worker knew they were hiding jew up in their building so he wanted more money to stay quiet and not to tell the Green police so every time he came to the building miep had to pay him extra to stay quiet. A few day after that we were all sitting in our rooms when i turned on my radio and over heard that the invasion has started and i started to freak out because we can be free again so
Imagine having the chance to fight for your country. As you remove your blade from the man you just killed, you see one of your men getting gutted in half by the enemy, so you jolt up in a full stride down the battlefield towards your target to carry out revenge. As you run the screams of the wounded cloud your ears, and as you get closer you are faced with enemies hurling at you from left and right inflicting wounds that would have any other man on their knees; nevertheless, you are no ordinary man. You have the heart of a warrior. Finally, as you are mere strides away from killing your target you draw your sword, and drive it into his skull. Then, with blood dripping down your face staining your skin you remove your sword, find a new target,
I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convince all of you.