
Jason Reynolds Ghost Sparknotes

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The novel Ghost, written by Jason Reynolds, is a yellow book with an illustration of a young black man running on the cover. The synopsis, located on the back, summarizes the adversity characters encounter throughout the course of the story. Because the synopsis depicts an outline of the plot of the book, readers can infer the story will revolve around the character running away from their hardships. Furthermore, with numerous drawings of track runners at the rear of the book, the reader can also infer that running will play an imperative role in the novel.

The novel Ghost, written by Jason Reynolds, will have several unique characters. With the illustrations on the cover of the book displaying three different characters, readers can infer …show more content…

As Ghost describes the situation as an event that changed his life forever and vividly recounts how fast he ran the night his father shot at him. Specifically, Ghost accounts that night as the event that taught him how to run. With previous knowledge obtained from the cover and synopsis of the book, readers can predict that Ghost's will be a distinguished runner, but will face trouble on the way. Since Ghost was able to run away from problems, such as his father trying to shoot him, he may be able to flee from other situations from his life. However, from the synopsis of the book foreshadowing that Ghost may not run away from all problems, gives the reader insight Ghost will encounter a predicament he cannot run …show more content…

The issues Ghost is forced to face does not harm him but strengthens his desire to be a better person. Before standing up for himself, Ghost fled from any situation regarding him. With his father’s attempted murder, Ghost suffered emotional problems. Furthermore, as gang activity and violence surrounding him, it is apparent his new lifestyle is sufficiently supplied with adversity. However, events turn for the better as Ghost is introduced to the track team in the city. When Castle, also known as Ghost, begins to be part of a team, which acts as his family, he starts to become happier. Since Castle now has a full family: his mom and track team, he is able to have an identity for once again in his

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