
Jasper Jones To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

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Different voices shapes the representation of values. Jasper Jones “an Australian To Kill A Mockingbird” is a novel written by Craig Silvey. This fiction text is based in a rural country town in the 1960’s, as a coming of age novel, it provides many morals and values that the reader can take with them. Through the use of a wide range of literary techniques, some values from different characters that are found to be present in this novel are, the value of egalitarianism, the different voices that shape this value are Charlie Bucktin and what is interpreted from Laura Wishart’s letter to Jasper. Another value, is that true courage is facing your fears, especially when you have a lot to lose, the voices of Jeffrey Lu and Jasper Jones aid this …show more content…

“You’re on your own. And that can make you feel either lonely or powerful. When you’re born, you either luck out or you don’t. It’s a lottery. Tough shit, or good on yer. But from there, it’s all up to you… soon as you can walk and talk, you start makin your own luck.” (pg. 195) Jasper shares a wise insight of his opinion on the world, he has faith in himself when no one around him does, he does not use the fact that he has no one to support him as an excuse. The colloquial and profane language add depth to the character of Jasper Jones, Jasper is known as the ‘town bad boy’, but he is extremely misunderstood due to racial views, this quote provides evidence to support the fact that he is in fact intelligent and wise beyond his years. “This night has pick-pocketed me of precious things I can’t ever get back. I feel robbed, but I don’t feel cheated by Jasper Jones.” (pg. 41) Charlie was so quickly ‘robbed’ of his innocence on the night Jasper took him into the glade and revealed evils that Charlie could not have fathomed before, yet he does not blame Jasper Jones for telling him, he understands that he has to deal with this new knowledge in an adequate way. The personification that the ‘night has pick-pocketed me of precious things’ is used to evoke emotions in the reader that allow them to convey empathy for Charlie’s lost innocence. There are many instances in Jasper Jones, where if one thing was altered the outcome would have been completely different, for example, if Jasper had come back from his trip earlier Laura may have not committed

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