By: Hui An, Luo Zhang, Estefani Martinez, Feng Xiong, Xi Yang, Wei Liu
Prepared for ACC 645, Dr. Kaustav Sen
By: Hui An, Luo Zhang, Estefani Martinez, Feng Xiong, Xi Yang, Wei Liu
Prepared for ACC 645, Dr. Kaustav Sen
Pace University
ACCT 645
Pace University
ACCT 645
Company Selected
JCPenney Company, Inc., a public traded company that has its common stocks traded on NYSE market under the ticker symbol “JCP”.
Overview of Retail Industry & Department Stores
The retail industry has always been a large portion of the U.S. economy. In 2012, the industry had nearly one million stores and accounted for four trillion dollars in revenue. An estimated two-thirds of the U.S. GDP
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Sephora makes large amount of money for JCPenney so that JCPenney is recommended to expand physical Sephora stores in the U.S and also all over the world. Despite of the declining popularity of in-shop stores, JCPenney can still invest more in online stores, enlarging this kind of retail channel.
Threats: The threat of JCPenney is that growing counterfeit goods market may keep customers away from going to J. C. Penney. Plus, due to fast swift of fashion trends and also pricing pressure, JCPenney may lose its pace with the market. Finally, JCPenney still needs to deal with the weak financial projection for FY2012.
Historical Analysis
As one of the major retailers in the United States, JCPenney has 1,104 department stores in 49 states and Puerto Rico as of February 2, 2013. The key success of its business is tremendously depending on the sales performance. However, the retail business is highly competitive, with low barriers to entry and low profit margin. Due to large sales plunge in 2012, the company is in financial trouble. The thorough analysis of JCPenney’s financial statements is vital to judge the future performance of its business.
Table 2 Past Net Sales and Net Income 2008-2012 ($ in millions) Year | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | Net Sales | $12,985 | $17,260 | $17,759 | $17,556 | $18,486 | Change from last year | -24.77% | -2.81% | +1.16% | -5.03% | | Net Income | $(985) | $(152) |
J.C. Penney is a retail department store that was found by James Cash Penney in 1902. Currently it has 1013 department stores in 49 states and Puerto Rico as of January 28, 2017. JC Penney is one of the largest department stores in the US that sells family apparel and footwear, accessories, fine and fashion jewelry, beauty products through Sephora inside JC Penny. In additions, the department stores provide a wide range of services to customers including styling salon, optical, portrait photography and custom decorating. JC Penney was one of the nation’s top catalog operators , but has exited the catalog business and it is expending to e-commerce.
2) JC Penney's most immediate goal is to maintain its present customer base and to attract new clients. They can do so by introducing higher-scale brands to their stores in order to attract another category of customers, in other words, customers who are drawn to premium brands. Therefore, JC Penney's brand image will be enhanced; its reputation will be improved. Introducing premium products, and attracting customers who have higher purchasing power will bring in higher revenues to the company.
Macy’s Inc. ratio was .02 and JC Penny Co. Inc. was .00. To improve this ratio, both companies need to improve on their net income. If JC Penny doesn’t continue to improve its net income, then this ratio will begin to lean negative, signaling the company is losing money for every dollar is sales and may not be good investment. Macy’s Inc. still has room before it hits .00, however, if their net income continues to fall, they soon too may have the same profit margin ratio as JC Penny Co. Inc. Shutting down unsatisfactory stores – as each company is doing – may help improve this ratio as well. With less funding going to these stores, such as salary’s, rent, and wasted inventory, they will be able to improve their net income value.
When you look at Kohl’s and J.C. Penney one of the biggest differences that I like is that Kohl's has a customer service department inside the store. I like this for the reason that It i give you a place to do customer service. By making a place for your customer service you are giving them the opportunity to ask questions, make payments, and make returns. When comparing this to J.C. Penny that does
There has been many ups and downs in the fashion industry and is always changing, being a store that offers that kind of merchandise you need to stay at the top of the game. Since J.C. Penney’s has opened its doors it has been through a great depression, a great recession, and many more ups and downs, and has still made it. Reason being they move with the economy not afraid to change and take the first step. They first open its doors as a fashionable store, and moved down the line to pretty much everything, some J.C. Penney’s have pharmacies,
The industry we have chosen is the department store-retail industry. Within this industry, we have chosen the department stores of JCPenney and Macy’s. We find this industry, as well as these two companies, interesting from a strategic perspective. JCPenney has recently undergone a massive strategic restructuring in regards to its pricing, brand offerings, and store layout, pushing it away from the typical department store strategy of discounts and coupons. Its new strategy has become much closer to Wal-Mart’s strategy of every day low prices. Macy’s, on the other hand, has restructured with a push from the economic
The major difference between these two sites is the shop-ability of each. Kohl’s has yet to expand their website to an e-commerce base. It was dramatically easier for JCPenney to expand online because of their established warehousing ability for the catalog consumer. JCPenney has the ability to receive an online order and ship the merchandise within 48 hours, a feat unsurpassed by any online retailer. Kohl’s would need to contract their suppliers to “drop ship” (the process of shipping merchandise to fill open orders with no warehousing needed) all merchandise to fill Internet orders. JCPenney’s site includes color pictures of every catalog item, and the customer can shop online by using a catalog number. This amenity is something Kohl’s can not pursue because their lack of catalog merchandising.
This report presents data describing the differences amongst the two department stores, their fundamental visions, and comparative statistics. Macy’s or Dillard’s: Differences amongst these competitors There are several aspects you can analyze from each department store. Major pieces do set each one apart from the other. Brand names carried by Macy’s and Dillard’s from an average shoppers point of view can go completely unnoticed unless price is involved. For trend shoppers brand names can either make or break a retail store. It can easily determine if he or she will walk to Macy’s or Dillard’s because they already know the store does or does not carry that brand. This is consistent with each department throughout both stores and
The companies that were chosen for a company analysis include Macy’s, Kohl’s, and Burlington. Since the retail industry has been lagging behind lately, these companies will help determine the prospective financial investment in the retail industry. As Macy’s as our primary company, we chose Kohl’s and Burlington to be the two comparative companies. These companies are comparable due to the same SIC code of 5311 in the subgroup of department stores. These companies offer similar products and services with little differentiation between the three.
In this segment, the retailer J.C. Penney will be analyzed against the department store retail industry, with particular emphasis placed upon their competitors, Macy’s and Kohl’s. The major components to be discussed will include the general external environment (i.e. demographics, economics, politics, legal requirements, technologies and global expansion), the industry environment, the competitive environment, the driving forces and the key factors for success within the industry. In terms of the general external environment, the retail industry is a multi-trillion dollar business in the United States alone and maintains operations primarily due to consumer spending. Such purchases rely upon the disposable income of
JC Penney had to undergo and withstand several competitive issues to include changing of brand image, selling strategy and marketing strategy. JC Penney also had to account for Environmental Factors to include: a population that continued to age and also unemployment rates. JC Penney tried to influence customers by portraying an everlasting sale. No matter how hard JC Penney tried to market their products, if people didn’t
Through the 70’s the company continued to grow. In 1974 annual sales hit $130 million. By 1980 Nordstrom was the third largest specialty retailer in the country. Sales hit $407 million and in the next few years, sales continued to rise. Nordstrom’s success was due to many factors. Shoes accounted for about 18 percent of total sales. In addition Nordstrom consistently maintained huge inventories and selection, which were usually twice the size of other department stores. Anchor malls seek the company, as a cornerstone of downtown renovation projects or as an added jewel for high end shopping customers. By being able to expand not only by adding locations, but also by expanding merchandise sold, Nordstrom became a dominant force in the industry and strengthened their market share position.
The following financial report provides an analysis of the financial ratios of David Jones with its close competitor in the retail sector, Myer. The financial ratios analyzed include profitability ratios, leverage ratios, efficiency ratios and market ratios for the two companies. The analysis utilizes individual company time-series analysis as well as industry cross-sectional analysis with the aim of determining the competitiveness of David Jones relative to its close competitor Myer.
Retail industry sector encompasses companies and individuals that are engaged in selling products to consumers. As the biggest economy in the world, retail industry in the U.S. is one of the biggest industries in the world with total sales of nearly $5 trillion in 2016 as per National retail foundation’s report mentions retail industry as the largest private sector employer in the United states with about 15 million people working in the industry. Retail industry in the united states comprises brick and mortar stores and a growing e-commerce sector.