
Jealousy In 'Catcher In The Rye'

Decent Essays

Understanding characters are never finished. Even if you dig deeper than the surface meaning there will always be more to the story or the characters. In this case we are trying to understand Holden, a 16 year-old teenager who criticizes everyone and is always complaining about something. Most people will think because he is just an angry teenager who thinks he is the best but our problem is to figure out if that is really everything. At the surface you will see him just as another teenager who hates everything but the way he criticizes and what he says makes me wonder if thats it. He will always hate on the boys more powerful than him. The smart, wealthy, prep school boys will always be on his bad list. He will point out the negative things about people before he even thinks about saying the positives. If we had to focus just on the male gender it would be easy to say that it’s jealousy but he comments on everyone. The girls in Grand station, his old teacher, and even the prostitute he orders to come to his room. Jealousy is the major problem in Holden’s attitude, but in this case there is different types of jealousy. The jealousy of the upper class, the people who know what there …show more content…

He is jealous of the boys who he wishes to be and the people with a plan. For example his brother is out in Hollywood hitting it big and making movies. Holden claims that he hates his movies and the money but really he wants his brothers life. He comes home on the weekends in his nice car and then goes back to his good job; he has a plan and knows what his life is about. “It killed me. Now he’s out in Hollywood, D.B., being a prostitute. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s the movies.” (Salinger 2) Holden wants a plan and an answer to his life. He wants to be like D.B. and to not to worry about his future. His criticizes his brother just because he wishes to live his life, not because he’s an angry teenager he’s just

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