The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a dramatic play telling us about the witch craft activity that happened in Massachusetts during 1692. Nineteen men and women and two dogs were hung due to witchcraft (Miller vii). This drama displays three themes: jealousy, reputation, and religion. The first theme I discovered was jealousy. Jealousy was displayed by Abigail when John Proctor denies her love. She wants John Proctor to herself, and is doing things to try and get with him. Abigail and John Proctor once had an affair going on, but his wife Elizabeth found out and fired Abigail from working in their house. Jealousy is also shown when Another theme I found was reputation. In this time period, reputation was everything. A bad reputation
The Crucible by Arthur Miller is set in Salem, Massachusetts in the 1690’s. These witch trials are an excellent example of mass hysteria that resulted in the hangings of my respectable men and women. Abigail Williams, a fourteen year old girl cried witchcraft and caused many people to be hung for it. She manipulated several girls into believing in witchcraft and was a major cause of hysteria. Events in the Crucible are very similar to the McCarthy era in the 1950’s. Similar to Abigail, McCarthy accuses innocent people of communism. These accusations result in arrests and damage the reputations of several people. Miller uses events in the crucible to teach people that hysteria does not lead to good outcomes.
The play The Crucible, was written by Arthur Miller in 1953. It is a story he wrote after his own experience being accused of communism. This affected a lot of well-known people in the United States during this time, and was considered a witch hunt similar to the Salem witch hunts. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible about a man, John Proctor, who has an affair with Abigail Williams. She catches feelings for him and tries to cast a spell on John Proctor’s wife to kill her; this gets out of hand when Abigail’s uncle catches her and some other girls dancing during the spell in the woods. Suddenly, the whole town is living in fear of who is practicing witchcraft, who could be a witch, and innocent people are killed if they don’t confess to being witches. Overall, mass fear and panic, and false accusations are seen over and over throughout the play.
Despite Abigail pretending she’s angry at Elizabeth Proctor for tarnishing her reputation in the town. She is more envious of Elizabeth and her marriage to John Proctor. Here she resorts to paltry name-calling in order to cast suspicion in John’s
Abigail represents jealousy and lust. In the beginning of the play the audience learns that her and Proctor had an affair. Abigail lusts for John Proctor in Act one. She yearns, “I have a sense for heat, John, and yours has drawn me to my window” (23). She is constantly thinking, talking and dreaming about John Proctor. She is drawn to him. She even blurts out angrily after Proctor shuts her down, “I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion whenever I come near. Or did I dream that?” (22). She taunts and compliments him, trying her best to get him to love her again. Abigail is jealous that Proctor likes his wife, Elizabeth, better than her. The audience learns that Elizabeth fires Abigail, who at the time
Proctor had a relationship with Abigail. Abigail and John had an affair while he was still married too Elizabeth. John was with Abigail one time and now Abigail is obsessed with John she wants to be with him. John feels horribly guilty about committing adultery. Abigail is jealous of Elizabeth she despises her.
Purist Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 suffered from a rapidly increasing phenomenon: witchcraft accusations and trials. The Crucible is a play that recounts the times of this incident. For the most part, it follows a man known as John Proctor. He is a sensible, honest, and hardworking man who made the mistake of succumbing to lust which sets off a chain of events that leads to the witch trials, and to his own demise. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible’s protagonist John Proctor proves to be a flawed human being who struggles to make sense of his past relationship with Abigail, his love for his wife, and his pride.
A. Hook :Where there is darkness there is light, love can shine through the darkest of nights.
In The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, it was about the Salem witch trials and how people were accused of being witches. Miller wrote the play because of the red scare and how people were treated. Throughout the play, Miller used stereotyping, symbolism, and exaggeration to show the theme and show what was going on during the red scare. In Miller’s use of symbolism helps shows the meaning clearly.
The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller written in the 1950’s. It was set in the 1690’s in Massachusetts. The play is about the witch trials and how something like a group of girls in the woods could lead to about 200 people being hanged and accused of witchcraft. The people of Salem were new to Massachusetts as they were puritans who went off to America to set up a new religious colony . The people were new to their surroundings had the Native Americans as enemies because they took their land. Although the Crucible is about the witch trials, it is thought to be a metaphor for the McCarthy Communist trials
Abigail is jealous of Elizabeth Proctor because of her affair with John Proctor, her husband. According to Goody Proctor, Abigail is trying to “kill me, then to take my place” (61). Abigail’s emotions for John are driving her to commit the black sin of murder. Obviously Abigail allows for her envy to control her actions against Elizabeth Proctor.
From The Crucible and my own experience there have been some types of jealousies, selfish ambitions, and peer pressures, etc. They are both the same from the story and into real life experience. So let’s start with The Crucible there is a lot going on in there because there is proctor and elizabeth and abigail and more there is jealousies and more. And in my life experience there has been the same thing like friend.From the author Victor Hugo he explained on society is a republic. Well it’s referring from the crucible where everyone in the story was in a part of jealousies. In my own life i’ve seen that there are people who have been jealous and prue pressured, etc. Well from The Crucible there was proctor and abigail and elizabeth but more
The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a famous play which was written in the early 1950’s. The Crucible is a play based upon the events in 1692, which led to the ‘Salem Witch Trials’, a series of hearings before local magistrates to prosecute over 150 people accused of witchcraft. This was due to the hysteria caused by a group of girls accusing innocent people of witch craft. The play was set in Salem, Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. Salem was a very isolated and puritanical community, so their biggest fear was the devil and witchcraft. A person being accused of witchcraft was the worst thing possible in this society.
The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, was a historical play written about the Salem witch trials that took place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1692-93. The Salem witch trials created mass hysteria throughout the entire village of Salem, which was also mainly inhabited by Puritans. Puritans had a set ideal of firm beliefs that managed how they lived. Essentially, they were living as an elect, which meant they (referring to the Puritans) had a place in heaven for the righteous acts they have done in the physical world. Meaning, any sinful acts could potentially hinder the chances of entering heaven as an elect. The Crucible, questioned everything the Puritans abided by. It questioned the basic morals of a pure lifestyle, adultery and
Abigail is a highly jealous character, concentrating her jealousy on Elizabeth Proctor. This jealousy is driven by lust and her desire for John Proctor. Abigail served as a servant in the Proctor household and after an affair with her husband John, Elizabeth fired her. She still resents Elizabeth for this as she is still in love with John. She clearly says to John, "You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet!" Abigail is still in love with John and she assumes the converse. Her love for John only causes her resentment for Elizabeth to strengthen. She hates John Proctor's wife and in her conniving ways she attempts to inspire the same views of Elizabeth in John's mind. Saying things to him such as, "She is blackening my name in the village! She is telling lies about me, She is a cold, sniveling woman." Abigail fabricates stories in attempt to steel John from Elizabeth. She is a manipulative liar that does and says as she pleases in order to get what she wants.
The Crucible by Arthur Miller is an interpretation of the Salem witch trials of 1692 in Puritan Massachusetts in which religion, justice, individuality and dignity play a vital role. These factors define the characteristics of many of the most significant characters in the play. Some of them being John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Reverend Hale, Danforth and many others. The Salem witch trials were a result of the lack of expression of individuality and the fact that no individual could expect justice from the majority culture as a result of the deterioration of human dignity in the Puritan society of Salem.