
Jean Baptiste Charbonneau

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Jean Baptiste Charbonneau What would it be like to be a member of one of the world's greatest journeys? Though he was just a baby, this was what happened to Jean Baptiste Charbonneau. He was an unintentional addition to Lewis and Clark's expedition to the Pacific ("Sacagawea"). However, the stories of this child do not end with Lewis and Clark's return to St. Louis. Jean Baptiste Charbonneau was born on February 11, 1805 in Fort Mandan, which was near what is today Washburn, South Dakota ("Sacagawea" ). He was the son of Tossaint Charbonneau and Sacagawea, both of whom were hired as interpreters for Lewis and Clark ("Sacagawea" ). Because of his parents' work as interpreters, Charbonneau was the youngest member of the exploration for the …show more content…

They came to Clark's residence in St. Louis; however, Clark desired to become Charbonneau's guardian, and Sacagawea would not allow him to adopt or separate her from her son (Reading). Despite this, when Tossaint Charbonneau left on a trip with his friend Henry Brakenridge, William Clark became the official guardian of the young Chabonneau and his mother (Reading). Though he could still not officially consider "Pomp" his child, he provided for the mother so he could keep them in St. Louis to supervise the schooling …show more content…

"He scouted for explorers and helped guide the Mormon Battalion to California before becoming an alcalde, a hotel clerk, and a gold miner (Buckley)." His guidance of the Mormon Battalion was extremely important in allowing the US to capture California and New Mexico (Reading). He suggested different routes, and he knew the West very well, enabling General Cooke and his company to successfully complete their mission (Reading). After the capture of California, Charbonneau was appointed to be the alcalde, or mayor. of the district of San Diego (Reading). He served for only a very short time, resigning in August 1848

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