
Jean Piaget And Lev Vygotsky's Contribution To Cognitive Development

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Cognitive development is the establishment of thought processes from childhood to adulthood (Cognitive Development). Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are well known for their contribution to the cognitive development of psychology. Jean Piaget was a psychologist, known for creating significant theories on the stages of the mental development among children (Jean Piaget Biography). Piaget’s theory has a major impact on education. He states that, all students go through the same development stages, but at a different pace (Educational Implications). Teachers’ role is to facilitate and accommodate learning for every student of different cognitive levels by providing different activities and experiences to students. Teachers should also offer active participation rather than theory, meaning practicing hands-on with students. In addition, Piaget suggested that, for teaching new math and new science, teachers should encourage students to explore and learn by themselves through visual and practical interactions with the subject (Educational Implications). For example number lines, time lines, models, etc…. They should ensure that students can use previous knowledge to learn new skills. Especially, when using word problems in math, they need to relate the problem to the students’ experiences.
Conversely, Lev Vygotsky was a psychologist; well known for his work “Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory” He introduced the Principle of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) (Social Development

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