
Jekyll And Mr Hyde Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Could you imagine a world where people are absolutely morally upright? What about purely evil? In Kahlil Gibran’s book, The Prophet, he states “You cannot separate the just from the unjust and the good from the wicked; for they stand together before the face of the sun even as the black thread and the white are woven together.” This suggests our morality can not be categorized as completely good or evil, but rather both of these can be found within all of us. While in some cases it is easy to separate good and evil, for the most part the murky waters of morality are much more difficult to navigate. It is true that often it is easy to isolate the good from the evil. For instance, in the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the author uses the personas of Jekyll and Hyde to clearly divide the rather good virtues found in Dr. Jekyll and the wickedness found in his transformed version of himself, Mr. Hyde. However, this conversion illustrates the good and the evil that can be found within all of us. All people have the ability to change their moral beliefs. For example, Saul of Tarsus was a persecutor of Christians before he himself converted to Christianity. He then changed his name to Paul and is considered one of the greatest missionaries of all time. In the same fashion, Anakin Skywalker, or Darth Vader, in …show more content…

In World War II, America had to use a nuclear bomb on Japan in order to save ourselves and millions of others. As a result, many Japanese people were injured. While many children have enough food to sustain them, some children live in poverty. A lack of resources can lead these children to steal and cheat, things that most children often don’t have to do. In conclusion, while good and evil exist in the world and in individuals, the lines between good and evil can be blurred due to circumstances that may lead people to do things that are considered immoral in one situation, but are justified in

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