
Jen Case Study

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Jen Harder Fills Residency Position in Albuquerque, NM Jen Harder has been selected to fill a position as Production Technical Advisor at the NNSA's Office of Nuclear Weapon Stockpile (NA-122). In this role, Jen’s responsibilities will include: - Assisting with liaison activities involving NA-122 mission scope and information/analysis development in coordination with other elements of the NNSA, Department of Energy (DOE), and other government agencies. - Performing coordination activities between NNSA and Nuclear Security Enterprise (NSE) sites to facilitate work scope accomplishment in design and surveillance, technical design and production, Significant Finding Investigations (SFIs) and Neutron Generator Production. - Providing technical …show more content…

I’ve worked with many different people across the NSE from a Production Agency standpoint, but now I’ll have the privilege to do it from the other side of the fence. Q: How do you think your roles at the NSC have prepared you for this opportunity? A: I believe that my experience as the NSC B61-12 Joint Test Assembly (JTA) Product Readiness Team (PRT) Lead and my Weapon Intern Program background have laid the technical groundwork for stepping into this NNSA role. These roles will help me get up to speed quickly in my new role. Q: What made or encouraged you to apply for this position? A: I’m always interested in learning new things. As I mentioned before, this position will give me the chance to do just that, as well as building upon my career experiences at the NSC. Q: Have you served in any other internship or residency? A: I have. I was a part of the 2012 Sandia Weapon Intern Program class, alongside Cristie Fadner and Andy Maxon. Q: What do you think of the continual opportunities offered at the NSC? A: I think it is great that we have a variety of different opportunities. Each employee has the ability to lead their own career; which can involve stepping outside of the NSC. I don’t believe industry does residency programs quite the same way. Best of luck to

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