
Jenifer Siebel Newsom's Film The Mask You Live In

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Jenifer Siebel Newsom’s documentary, The Mask You Live In, is about the struggles young men and boys face while they are figuring out their identity in a stereotyped America. The film highlights the negative psychological and sociological implications that stem from society’s expectations of “masculinity.” According to Dr. Caroline Heldman, masculinity is defined in the U.S. as a rejection of everything feminine. American culture has classified masculinity as a strong, hardened, domineering, powerful, and controlling state of being. There are typically three lies that boys learn at a young age that plant the idea that they have to be masculine. Those lies are 1) You must have superb athletic ability and be fast and buff, 2) in order to be a “true” man, you must have …show more content…

Society teaches young boys that they must always be tough and they must hold in their “feminine” feelings, such as crying. Not being able to adequately express emotion causes a build up of unresolved feelings and unfortunately when this build up becomes too high, the most natural outlet is violence. This form of hyper-masculinity contributes to issues of depression and suicide in boys, gun violence and mass shootings, and sexual assault on women because the built up emotions within young boys feeds violence. “Real” boys suffering from depression are taught not to show that emotion. They are taught that it is okay to talk about anger but not okay to talk about sadness because sadness is a “feminine” emotion. Without an outlet to work through sadness, depression brings out aggression and can lead to suicide because boys feel so alone and unable to talk to anyone about the thoughts racing in their head. Likewise, if young men do not take their own lives as a result of built up sadness, they may act out on the public in order to feel control—perhaps with gun violence, mass shootings, or even sexual assault on

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