
Jeremiah Pickett: A Short Story

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After he'd left Mirella in the carriage and recommenced their journey, Jeremiah contemplated the events that had transpired, and a smile crept onto his face. What a damn shame that he'd so shocked the uppity prude with his revelation that she wanted to leave him. A pity that the locomotive, with her aunt on board, wouldn't return for a month or more.

So what options did she have? Either to continue with him or to take her chances on locating another Chaperone to accompany her back East. Unlikely. Should he forget about attempting to charm and cajole her, and instead turn to the ways of the horsewhip? Bend the bitch over and wail on her ass so fiercely that she'd struggle to sit straight for a month. Show the true Jeremiah Pickett and demonstrate …show more content…

However, he could daydream about the days ahead. He'd only need to be careful not to have ruined her so thoroughly by the time they reached their destination that even her own Father no longer believed it was worth the price Pickett intended to demand for her return.

As they approached Redwood, two young ruffians in ragged clothes and bare feet met the coach and ran alongside. They accompanied him the rest of the way, joined by more the ever closer they got. When he drew to a halt outside the Melody Guest House on the main street, a sizable crowded had gathered. Comprised mostly of woman and children, they hushed when he stood; in awe of the Reverend and his gleaming red and gold carriage.

"Mr …show more content…

"Preacher, I didn't expect to see you again so soon. We are indeed blessed." Blessed for his gold coins, no doubt. The woman ran the only accommodations in town, and the whorehouse. Jeremiah had utilised both services on his previous visit. "What brings you back this way. Do you require a room?"

"Two. The Lord granted me one of his flock to shepherd safely West." Jeremiah motioned to the carriage, but Hannah had already shoved a trio of stragglers out of the way and opened the door.

"Oh, my." The woman's jaw dropped when she laid eyes on Mirella in her all her youth and finery. "Ain't you a pretty one, and such a dress, I've never seen.

Jeremiah placed his hand on her arm and gently drew her back. "She's unwell. Too much sun."

"I do apologise.' Pickett looked in on Mirella. "It's not often Redwood sees cultured young ladies from all the way out East." He smiled genially, making no reference to their earlier conversation, nor betraying a hint of the thoughts that had followed it. "I hope you're feeling better. Hannah runs the finest establishment in the State. She'll draw a bath, and show you to your accommodations" Pickett would have assumed that last responsibility, but now probably wasn't the most appropriate time to suggest that he escort Mirella, alone, to her sleeping quarters. "She's quite the chef, too, if you're

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