
Jerry Lewis Analysis

Decent Essays

Citric of the critic a critical thought.
In both of the articles referring to Lewis neither make very good arguments in my opinion, which is the point/goal of many critics: to gain (or at least appeal to) an audience that has their point of views and to establish a reputation as a writer and a critic which develops a following and somehow makes them qualified to tell their readers what is good and/or bad. Both articles take the stance of stereotyping cultures and what they think when it comes to Jerry Lewis. Stereotyping is a problem in the world, something which I feel is the point of many critics but does not sit well with me. They take the time to watch a movie and offer their view point on the film, dissecting and diagnosing the film in …show more content…

As a critic and writer the author loses his reader in the first paragraph making it difficult to want to continue reading, “American Fascination with the French critical application of Lewis.” (Selig 42) Who cares what other countries critics view films produced in other countries? If the French like Lewis let them like Lewis, it’s their choice and opinion. American critics were worried about how the French perceived and stereotyped American’s, “undermine the presentation of a unified male subject and thus the conventional Hollywood representation of Masculinity.” (Selig 46) How the French view American males during the time is not the fault of Lewis. His work was appealing to the French (and many American movie goers) because he was making comedies to lighten the mood of the times. From the information in both articles an argument for or against Lewis got lost and became more about how American critics perceived the French interpretation of Lewis as an auteur. That is the French were more impressed with Lewis because of his style in presenting the topics within his films. American critics seemed to be appalled that Lewis was the French’s perception of what American male life was like. However, Is it ok that Americans think of the French as all having berets, wearing black and white striped shirts, riding bikes with baguettes in their basket? This is an American stereotype vs the French who may think all American males are funny and stupid acting and will do anything for love and

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