The next technique we explored was emotion memory. Emotion memory requires actors to remember a time when they felt the same, or similar emotions to what their character is feeling, and then import these feelings into their characterisation. I chose to look at Jerry’s Monologue. We then had to analyse the monologue to find the key feelings in there. Then using emotion memory, we found our strongest memories linking to these emotions and rehearsed the monologues applying these memories. For Jerry some strong emotions were nostalgia, sadness, disappointment, and uselessness. So, I had to find my strongest memories that linked to these. An example of nostalgia can be seen in a quote from Jerry’s monologue “And the way you stood, you know, and
I kept writing. It was hard, but I could get everything off of my chest. I could explain to people what had happened to me. I could tell my English teacher. It was a little hard, but I didn’t cry. I couldn’t cry. Greasers didn’t cry.
I pushed the arm in front of me even deeper into the guy’s throat. It was much harder than it had been the first time and I felt his Adam's apple push into my skin.
After being escorted by the police to the hospital me and Ponyboy dashed with excitement to Johnny’s room. Before we could get even an inch in the door the doctor stopped us in our tracks. The doctor said “he is dying”. Before I could think I pulled out two-bit's switchblade. I wasn't going to let some punk doctor keep me from seeing my friend. Instead of what I thought the doctor was going to do he let us see Johnny.
I was in juvie ready to be discharged out and ready to go to my home town. Who was there? Well I really didn't really know till we got to go to the game room person who i met his name was dominic he gave me advice to behave and try to do what they would tell me to do and then I met the bad girl my friend Brianna and the other one Abigail, also Gabe well he was more quiet. Why was I there for my bad decisions in life and that ended me in juvie. When did it happen… 23 August 2017 Where did It happen at At a parking Lot. This why you kids i'm not saying i'm the best person i'm not a angel but who said Someone can’t change their lives around it's possible people always be judging well I learned something if you're going to do something bad don't
Early that morning, newly hired park ranger, Jennifer Flores, stuffed a banana into the blender and mixed up a high energy chocolate drink. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her face was clean and free of makeup. She was dressed in a black jogging outfit that hugged her body tightly and showed off her shape. She poured her drink into a glass and guzzled it down like she was in a beer chugging contest with her sorority sisters.
“Look Lennie, I want you to look around here. You can remember this place, can’t you? The ranch is about a quarter of a mile up that way. Just follow the river.” “If you just happen to get In trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an’ hide in the brush. Till I come for you can you remember that?” Then as George told Lennie before and he did what he was told Lennie came back to the river after he accidentally killed Curley’s wife and the pup. George didn't want Lennie to suffer so he did he job himself, he wanted Lennie to be happy when he went away so he told him to face the river and think about the farm they wanted to live on and then George killed Lennie so he didn't have to suffer. Mercy killing/ euthanasia
Certain descriptive phrases the author uses when describing the memories, effectively communicated the nostalgia the narrator is feeling
Ellie at first may be viewed by the reader as simply a background character to this story, someone for the two main focal points to bounce ideas off of and to add some variation to what could easily be viewed as tedious. I beg to differ on this opinion though, as his role is hinted at during the beginning sentences of the story as a foil to his character is brought up by Connie. ¨… Connie´s mother kept dragging her back to the daylight by finding things for her to do or saying, suddenly, ¨What's this about the Pettinger girl?”And Connie would say nervously, ¨Oh, her. That dope.”She always drew thick clear lines between herself and such girls…”(Pg 453) This is because from when the time Arnold introduces him to the last few sentences, he was referred to
Do you consider soup a meal or do you consider it a starter? The Seinfeld episode “The Soup” starts with an open monologue where Jerry Seinfeld is on stage at a comedy show. Jerry says, “You have a close friend, and they get involved with someone in a relationship. " It affects your friendship, doesn’t it? Because it's like you were a comedy team and now there’s a third person, it kind of throws off the timing.”
Grass tickles my bare feet, and the sultry night air caresses my skin as I stand facing the forest. With the moon full and glistening over the dew covered greenery, I am enraptured. The gentle breeze wraps around me like a lovers embrace and I am lost to my surroundings. The nights are beginning to cool with the new season and are a welcomed relief to the waning summer heat.
Running through branches and high standing grass, I sprint as fast as my body will move. Insure about how much energy my body has left, I keep pacing a constant speed to catch up to Lennie. As the forest begins to come to an end, there is a lengthy creek that comes to view. Hesitating, I plunge into the water trying to find my dear friend Lennie. Just as I think there is no hope on finding him I see a movement out of the corner of my eye. Thinking it was just an animal, I turn away not even realizing that the animal was Lennie. Lennie, terror- stricken and drizzling, is standing right in front of me. I try to dash toward him, but since my legs are in the water they don’t seem to move quickly. Not even bothered about how slowly my feet are moving I still leap toward him in excitement. Since we were hugging I didn’t even realize that the neighing and running footsteps of the men’s horse were drawing closer to us.
The rain had just stopped pouring, and we had all gathered in a park nearby, as a makeshift memorial for Johnny. It wasn’t really a funeral, we didn’t have the budget for that, and it wasn’t like his parents cared enough to give him a proper goodbye.
It’s them sycamores I remember. An’ the river, runnin’ deep and green, tinkling jus’ like the way Aunt Clara’s house keys used to when she was out on the porch about to unlock the front door. I’d hide my mouse in my pocket whene’er I heard them jinglin’ keys, because Aunt Clara ne’er liked ’em rodents hangin’ around her house. I was a smart boy, I really was.
I was a productive woman, and I wanted people to see it in me. I wanted them to see it in the way I walked. I wanted them to see it in the way I talked. I wanted them to see it in the way I worked late every night to make my patients, and the world, a healthier, better place. Most importantly, though, my productivity was expressed in the way that I raised my boy. I wanted Eugene to be as perfect as I was, and I worked my hardest to keep all distractions from him. Still, he always managed to slide his face into the pages of his books every chance he got. I didn’t see the point in it. He had the top marks out of everyone in his class, so what was the point in reading books that didn’t improve his grades? I didn’t
An elongated car ride was taken to an abrupt halt as hyperventilation commenced. I compelled myself to pull over alongside a gravel road near hiking trails. My heart seemed as if it escaped my body, as it was pounding so profoundly against my chest. The news I had received had changed my life completely. Hot tears appeared instantly upon my cheeks, but my eyes were still.