Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. There is also a different kind of abortion which occurs spontaneously and is also known as a miscarriage. What are these? Are you trying to show resources. Whatever the following is, it is completely confusing and not appropriate for this paper. (Thirty-nine as of December 2013- currently enforce laws that require a young woman to notify or obtain consent from one or both parents before she can receive abortion care).(Thirty-nine; Jeryl Hayes) (Yet research has shown that these laws often delay young access, endangering young women’s health and safety, and leaving too many alone and afraid.) (Yet; Jeryl Hayes) Having an abortion does …show more content…
Most religions treat abortions as a sin, and they do not approve of it at all. Everyone has their own opinion on that subject. Teenagers are having abortions for the wrong reasons. They have intercourse at such a young age, and then they end up pregnant, not knowing at the end what to do with the situation. Having a big responsibility at such a young age is not fun at all. That is why every state should have the right to ask for a consent from at least one parent so that the parents would also know what is going on with their own child. There is are also rape victims that do not want to have the baby of their rapist, rapper which is a good reason to have an abortion, but the rape victim (do not use second person you) should also get a consent from a parent and make sure that is the best decision you are she can make as a teenager. Also, a lot of people have abortions because of failed contraception, which is also why a young teen girl should know exactly what you are she is doing before getting pregnant and needing to have an abortion. That is another reason a consent form should be needed by a parent parents so the parents can at least know what their teenager is doing at such a young
Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy at any stage that does not result in birth. What a lot of people don’t realize is a miscarriage is also considered an abortion even though it is not medically induced; it is called a spontaneous abortion because it is not a medical procedure. Recently a study was done and it showed that the number of abortions worldwide have gone down considerably because of family planning, having reasonable birth control methods introduced, the prices for them lowered and the availability of them are accessible by the younger generation. More and more we are seeing young women using abortion as a birth control method, this is making the
Abortion can be defined as the ending of a pregnancy. There are three kinds of abortions. Spontaneous, which happens by defect or injury, therapeutic which is done in order to preserve mother’s life or health, and lastly, induced which happens by surgery or drugs. Abortion is an extremely controversial subject, as people are either super against it, or super for it. In Why Abortion is Immoral, written by Don Marquis, the author believes that abortion is immoral and is comparable to murder.
Although abortion is not stated in the bible, the teaching of it is in there by saying how human life is sacred and humans were created in the image of God. Genesis 1:27 states, “God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them.” The Bible also teaches that children are a blessing. Psalm 127: 3 states, “Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the woman is a reward.” God writes, “Thou shalt not kill” in several different places in the bible. These quotes from the Bible back the argument that abortion is wrong. Not only does the Bible show evidence of abortion being wrong, but also abortion causes physical complications to the woman and can affect her ability of future pregnancies. The Centers for Disease Control states that “CDC have received reports of the deaths of 386 women from legal abortion between 1973, when abortion was legalized nationwide, and 2004.” A team in New Zealand analyzed data during a 25-year period and found that abortion in young women has risks of depression, anxiety, suicidal behaviors, and alcohol dependence. The woman’s health is a main factor when it comes to abortion. Rape also plays a big factor in why woman should not have an abortion. I believe that even if a woman is raped, the child still deserves the right to life. The woman has undergone a terrible trauma, but abortion cannot un-rape the woman. To kill the innocent child is
Abortion is the process of intentionally ending a pregnancy. Abortion touches the hearts of many because its consequences result in the loss of a human life. Its controversy stems from the fact that people’s opinions on this matter are rooted in their value systems, religious beliefs, and political socialization. Its prominence in political discussions today is likely to continue given the relationship between unwanted pregnancies and overpopulation. There is often debate about the constitutionality of abortion, as it is not specifically addressed by any doctrine. As a result, there has never been an explicit national law enacted.
In this assignment, I have had the opportunity to read through many different articles all pertaining to abortion. Some addressed abortion options, other discussed arguments from many different views, others show how the law was broken and many others.
Having an abortion may be a huge stress relief for those women who were victims of rape. In these tragic situations the victims should not be obligated to have a child. Conceiving a child that resulted through this horrific circumstance can be a constant reminder to those victims of the trauma they went through. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “among adult women an estimated 32, 101 pregnancies result from rape each year". This is a significantly large number, victims of rape are already in great distress, fear and grief and after the trauma they already experienced they should not have the added pressure to be obligated by society to conceive they do not want to. Rape victims have gone through enough mental trauma and that their psychological health should be valued more than the right to life of the fetus. It is a personal decision the victim should be allowed to make without any legal bindings. As quoted by Dr. David C. Reardon, "how can you deny an abortion to a twelve year old girl who is the victim of incest”?
Not all minors are in a safe situation to obtain parental consent. When some teenage girls get pregnant they have to fear that they are going to be kicked out of their homes or even abused. Not all parents are understanding. Some may not approve of the abortion, but still kick their daughters out of the house. The girls are then left not only pregnant but trying to survive on their own. Other teenages have parents that are not around or can’t waste their time to give consent. Some minors would be safer or better off getting an abortion without parental consent.
To begin with, there has always been a huge issue with the topic of abortion, why? Well, it’s a tough subject and can get extremely emotional and very defensive. Honestly, people just need to open up their eye’s and understand that it's murder and not just a choice. It is murder because two can create a blessing and the choice of aborting it, is more like a sacrifice for the reason a mother can’t carry a baby for nine months. Whether a person is a teen, young adult, or an adult and is in a horrible situation that believes they cannot proceed with the pregnancy, they should know there are other options. Teens aborting an unborn baby is not a choice and should be banned because it is wrong without parental consent, the rights of a child, and
Abortion, according to Dictionary.com, is described as the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy, any of various surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy, especially during the first six months, an operation or other procedure to terminate pregnancy before the fetus is viable, the premature termination of pregnancy by spontaneous or induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus from the uterus; also called voluntary abortion. There are two sides to this controversy; there are the pro-life people and the pro-choice people. The pro-life people are against abortion and pro-choice people believe women have a right to choose. This paper will examine the problem of women having abortions. The paper will first
The definition of abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Inasmuch as it is true, in our society abortion is an extremely controversial subject, however, it is also safe to say that it is a very opinionated matter between those who do and do not believe in it. Abortion has been legal in the United States since the case of Roe v. Wade in the winter of 1973 labeling it as a “fundamental right”, it has since been a moral issue within our society. The decision to terminate ones own pregnancy is in their own hands and the effects of termination mentally and physically are their own to contract with.
According to the article “Are Abortion Rights Threatened, 2013” over fifty million infants, died in 2012 before they even stepped foot into this world, due to abortion. To clarify abortion is the termination of the fetus in the mother’s womb typically by chopping up the baby into pieces with a knife, cracking its skull and vacuuming out its brains, or with the drug RU-486. As a result, abortion is one of the most common and cruel cause of death in the United States, yet the government has legalized this practice. Moreover, there are other measures that can be taken if a women feels she needs an abortion including adoption and financial aid. Therefore, women should not choose to abort her baby, because it is immoral and harmful
In Americas Society Abortion is a topic that most people rather not face. More and more abortions occur everyday, causing potential lives to be terminated due to irresponsible sexual activity among adults and teens. Abortions cheats the unborn child of his or hers existence and unknown experiences to come. Abortions are quick escape goats for irresponsible individuals and cause pain, suffering, and death. I t is against the law and immoral to kill another human being, and by terminating a fetus you are performing another act of killing. In my essay I will use different articles and references to back my conclusion of how Abortions are cruel, examples of different types of abortions and how
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth. An abortion results in the death of the embryo or fetus and may be either spontaneous or induced. For years, abortion has been an extremely controversial subject. The history of abortion reaches back not just decades, but centuries, and even milleniums. Today, policies regarding legal abortion in the U.S. is being debated everywhere. Many myths and misconceptions confuse this issue. A better understanding of the history of abortion in America can help provide a context for an improved policy in the future.
Abortion is a very serious topic. Approximately 42 million abortions happen every year. After eight weeks, a baby’s heart starts to beat, this beating signifies life. When people are born, they don’t ask to be in this world. This existence shows how a person has a particular purpose. Would you rather kill an innocent and have a guilty conscience, or give birth and put the infant up for adoption? The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy is known as an abortion. Twenty-one of all pregnancies in the U.S. end in abortion. Abortions can offend people’s religious beliefs. Abortion should be illegal. It should be opposed. Abortion can result in medical complications later in life. Abortion frequently causes intense psychological pain and stress.
Statement of Problem: Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Today, especially here in the United States of America, there is a growing issue and debate around the idea of abortion. There is a stigma against abortion because of the possibility of negative religious, political, medical, emotional, and mental consequences it may cause. Each year, worldwide there is an estimated 42 billion abortions that take place. This number does not include abortions that are not performed by professionals. The big issue alongside with abortion itself, is the affects it has on the mental health of females who undergo the procedure.