
Jesse Prinz: The Emotional Construction Of Mo

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(b) What is emotionism? What evidence is there in support of epistemic emotionism? Provide 2 examples and explain them. Is there evidence for metaphysical emotionism?

Emotionism Explained:
The author of The Emotional Construction of Morals, Jesse Prinz uses the term emotionism to represent a title for any theory that states emotions are essential in one way or another (Prinz, 2007, p. 13). The idea behind this is that emotions have a large influence over morality.
There are two types of emotionism, which are epistemic and metaphysical (Prinz, 2007, p13). Epistemic emotionism occurs when moral concepts are related to emotions (Prinz). Essentially emotions are needed to determine right from wrong (Richards, 2015). In contrast, the concept …show more content…

He conducts this experiment by going against the social norm and asking random individuals to give up their seat for no apparent reason; they do. This resulted into a feeling of emotional distress as if he were to perish. Therefore this experiment shows evidence that moral actions correlate with emotions causing epistemic emotionism.
Moreover, Prinz speaks on trolley case thought experiments involving two scenarios. This thought experiment illustrated 5 people tied down to tracks and a trolley approaches them. The first scenario involves pushing an individual the trolley’s path to save the five individuals, resulting into one persons death. The second scenario involves pulling a lever that sets the trolley on another path that kills a separate individual that is tied up, but saving the five lives. The idea behind the trolley case is murder is worse than letting someone die because it brings negative emotions (Pg 23). So, there is focus on the victim’s death and sympathy for the individual murdered (pg 23). In contrast letting an individual die may not have been the prerogative, but the result of saving another group. Thus, emotions are involved when facing decisions of moral dilemma provide evidence for epistemic …show more content…

He states that it is difficult to identify moral properties unless there are emotions (Prinz, 2007, P. 49). Psychopaths are an example of this because they lack certain emotions such as empathy (Richards, 2015). Although they can study and understand moral properties, they are unable to tell right from wrong even when it is in their best interest because they lack emotions (Prinz, 2007, P. 47). Thus, psychopaths are evidence that moral rules cannot be identified without emotion and moral properties, which are central to metaphysical

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