There are many medical cases in the country that can go wrong in a blink of an eye. Medical centers across the United States have made numerous advancements in hospital procedures even with those advancements an effective team can still lose a patient. While heart and lung transplant carry risk, we can reduce the mortality rate by improving communication. Therefore, the errors involved with Jessica Santillon case were not warranted. These communication blunders occurred due to the team not clearly and verbally communicating with each other in their team. " A heart and lung transplant is obviously a challenging procedure " (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2011, pp.185). Furthermore, this operation and other operations requires diligence to ensure
Natalie Dukes is one of the many students among Chino Hills High School who have already started their journey to their future. Natalie Dukes is a senior who is currently aspiring to become famous. When I asked how she planned on becoming famous, she automatically had a very detailed or planned out explanation. Natalie Dukes is currently applying to colleges. Last year, Natalie Dukes participated in the Chino Hills High School Girls Junior Varsity Volleyball Team. Natalie Dukes also has plans for after high school in order to pursue her dreams. She plans on going to either California Baptist University or California State University Fullerton, both of which are universities that offer degrees. When attending either of those universities, she hopes to major in Business and graduate with a Bachelor's Degree. As to why she wants to become famous, Natalie enthusiastically explained how she likes the perks that come with being famous.
Medical errors in the United States are part of a nationwide health crisis, with hospital death amounting to the third leading cause of mortality in the USA today. The Lewis Blackman case is a tragic example of medical error; particularly one relating to decision making. Group B identified several errors, near misses, adverse events, and harm taking place in this history. Medical errors, ranging from an unaddressed low urine output, to the doctor ordering an erroneous dose to the patient, to the blindness of clinicians in seeing the indicators of Lewis’ worsening condition, all resulting in the inability to save Lewis Blackman’s life.
In the medical field, precision is of the utmost importance when it comes to successfully ensuring that the job is done. Even the slightest mistake can be lethal, making communication vital in the medical field. A group of doctors and nurses must communicate and act like a single unit to complete the procedure. In “When Doctors Make Mistake”, the author, Atul Gawande, recalls a case where his team worked on a specific crash victim and the breathing tube could not fit in the trachea. Due to a lack of communication, one of the staff members tried to force the tube down the trachea causing more damage. In the essay, Gawande assesses the situation and agrees with his team to bring in a specialist to solve the
This case study is about older women named J.G. She is an 86 year old woman who lives in an old-fashioned village. Her daughter visited J.G weekly, and made sure to keet her fridge full. Everything was perfectly fine until her daughter went to see family in the U.K and left her , with her husband in charge. When she returned, upon weighing her, they realized she had lost 4.3 kg in 3 months, stating that she 'forgets to eat' or 'could not be bothered'. They gave J.G a Mini-Nutritional Assessment which she received a score of 9 on, indicating risk of malnutrition. Her balance was poor. J.G's has had breast cancer, a urinary tract infections, and a history of previous cardiovascular accidents.
Sarah Reichard is a professor and director at the University of Wisconsin Botanic Gardens. Reichard specializes in biology of invasive organisms, reintroduction of rare species, and rare plant preservation. Sarah Reichard received her B.S. degree in Botany at the University of Wisconsin in 1981. Reichard received her M.S. in Forest Resources at the University of Wisconsin in 1989, along with her Ph.D. in Forest Resources in 1994.
Open communication is essential part to a successful healthcare team that directly impacts patient’s lives. In the video “Just a Routine Operation, ” by Laedal Medical Human Factors in Patient Safety, physicians and nurses demonstrates how different human factors contribute to the overall outcome of the patient. Elaine, the patient in the video came into the hospital for a reconstruction surgery. However, during the surgery Elaine had a complication and because the lack of communication, assertiveness, self-awareness, decision-making, teamwork, and prioritization, Elaine did not survive the surgery. This situation shows how important these characteristics are when dealing with emergency care. Even the health care professional with the years
Jenny Ferguson and Nghia Tran fails to sell part of their business, but I think the pitch is successful.
Millions of Americans surrender to conditions that are both preventable and manageable annually. Besides chronic diseases, researchers have identified that the third leading cause of death in America is the errors conducted by professional medical practitioners. While medicine is a highly considered field, some of the practices that contribute to the errors observed include the absence of patient safety, poorly coordinated care, and inefficient healthcare quality improvement. Significant steps that can be taken to reduce deaths caused by medical errors include good communication, cooperation, use of advanced technology and implementation of quality healthcare among
Sarah Anne Stewart is a weight loss expert and transformative life coach. Her teachings go far beyond her holistic health certifications as she strives to support women who have been plagued by the world of dieting and eating disorders and help them find freedom through an intuitive, holistic approach. Through her own self-discovery and healing, Sarah developed a program that offers a “mind-body” approach to healing and weight loss, not another diet plan. Her proven techniques have supported hundreds of women break free of subconscious patterns that have prevented them from fostering a healthy relationship with food and their body. Sarah offers these life-changing teaching through both her online program, ‘Meditate Slim’
Communication within the surgical team was extremely efficient. Everyone was very informative with one another, which helped the procedures move smoothly and effectively. All surgical procedures began with verification of the patient, surgical procedure, and surgical site. Although, in the article, “Why a RN in the OR?” explained that every member of the surgical team performed the verification individually, in this case, the circulating nurse simply read aloud the patient’s information along with stating the surgical procedure and site. Moreover, throughout a majority of the procedure, most of the communication consisted of the surgeon and the surgical technicians. The surgeon was mainly the individual to give commands and was very explicit in explaining what he was doing and what he was about to do in order for the surgical technicians to be prepared to hand him what he needed. Furthermore, as in the article described, the circulating nurse monitored aseptic practices and informed the surgical technicians to place objects that were no longer sterile in a specific bin. There was also a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), that monitored the patients’ vitals throughout the entire procedure and periodically gave the rest of the surgical team updates regarding the patient’s condition. Specifically, during an inguinal hernia repair, the patient began to cough during the procedure; however, the CRNA wasn’t able to witness it since he was behind
I hope this finds you well. I want to make you aware of an incident I had yesterday with Jessica Cannino, Processor for Mortgage Pro. One of her files was CTC by me and subsequently reviewed by pre-closing and their findings were not in agreement with the total funds I've verified and forward their concerns to Ron who contacted me immediately to address the issue. In a rush to resolve the issue, I contacted Jessica and I must admit that I did that just to compare notes to see if the information I had regarding the balance of an AMEX account reflected in the soft pull provided was the same she had. Jessica's response was very disrespectful and demeaning, even when I tried reassuring her that everything was fine with the file and my call was
The case about Heidi Roizen was very interesting to me because I can not believe how many people she is connected with or I should say networked with. I believe her networking skills had more to do with her personality, being outgoing and high-energy by nature, and that it would be difficult to have just anybody be able to pull this off. But I must say this story really opened my eyes as to how important having a network is. I personally do not have very good network skills, or even considered it important, but I do now.
In the USA approximately 3,000 people are currently on the waiting list for heart transplant, but only 2,000 donors’ hearts become available each year. In the meantime, heart patients awaiting a transplant must depend on mechanical procedures, which can raise the risk of infection, blood clots and bleeding in the patient. Doctor Muhammed M.Mohiuddin a cardiothoracic surgery specialist therefore explains the rationality behind
Imagine you are laying in a hospital bed connected to multiple machines, IV’s and monitors. The only thing keeping you alive is the heart and lung machine, the team of doctors, nurses and specialist. Even with the help of modern medicine you will only remain alive as long as you stay in that hospital bed; attached to those lifesaving machines. Even with the help of those machines your life is not guaranteed. Now imagine knowing that the only thing that can save your life is a heart transplant, and having to wait your turn on a very long list to get one.
transplantation is done at an advanced stage when cardiac function is unresponsive to medical, or surgical interventions (Grossman & Porth, 2014).