
Jessie Fauset, And Zora Neale Hurston

Decent Essays

During this time period literature had a dominance of black women writers. Their writings focused on five major traits: dominance of black women writers, intertextuality, revisiting the past, reoccurrence of historiography, and broadening of horizons. Among the major writers only one was a male. The intertextuality circled around repeat writing, the response and revision of earlier themes and motifs. Each period adds to the existing one by utilizing new contexts to literature, themes and style. A number of black women writers forged their way into classrooms to teach us. “Historian Gerda Lerner edited Black Women in White America in 1973 which further revised the understanding of African American roles in U.S. history as both the victims …show more content…

To name a few of the women writers are: Jessie Fauset, Nella Larsen, and Zora Neale Hurston. Houston was seen as one of the most significant unread authors in America. Her work did end up reaching hundreds of thousands of readers, and it provided a new generation of writing. Toni Morrison’s powerful writings explored family violence, sexual oppression, abuse, and the corrosive effects of racism and poverty. Many of these writers shared the idea of righteous anger and triumphant struggles. No one was more powerless or more vulnerable than a poor black girl. These women who brought the controversial stories to the surface faced new challenges. These writers were accused of bashing black men, and being disloyal to their own race. Walker believed that there were generations of black women artists who released their creativity in song and crafts of quilt making, baking, and gardening. Alice Walker has been considered controversial, but one of the most important African American writers of her generation. She wrote, “The Color Purple”, which won a Pulitzer Award and was the first novel that was written by an African American woman. Walker seen herself as an African American writer committed to exploring the lives of black women. Walker published many of her works in the 1970’s and they had a decisive effect in the literary world. Her focus on African American

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