Two of the many miracles Jesus performed were the healing of a bleeding woman and the raising of a dead girl. This story can be found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. In this story, Jarius, a synagogue leader, asked Jesus to lay His hands on his 12-year-old daughter who was dying. On their way to see the dying girl, a large crowd surrounded Jesus. In that crowd was a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. The woman believed that if she touched Jesus’ cloak she would be healed, so she reached out, grabbed the cloak, and was immediately healed. As soon as the woman touched His cloak, Jesus knew and asked the crowd who had touched His clothes. The woman who had touched Him fearfully admitted what she had done and Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering,” (Mark 5:34). Soon …show more content…
In Mark 5, Jesus tells the woman that her faith has made her well. The woman also showed faith by pushing through the crowd just because she thought that she would have a chance to be healed if she was able to touch Jesus’ cloak. Not only that, but the woman also used her faith to overcome her fear and shame in order to touch Jesus. Jewish leaders believed that women who were menstruating were unclean. This prevented the woman from worshiping in synagogue temples or even having normal relationships with others due to the fact that anyone who touched the woman when she was bleeding was considered unclean. So, the fact that the woman touched Jesus while being considered unclean was a huge risk: something that only true faith would allow a person to do. This woman suffered for 12 years of her life. She had spent all of her money trying to stop the bleeding and all of her efforts had failed. This woman had nothing to lose, so she reached out for Jesus, and He, in turn, called her “daughter” and accepted her among the people of
This shows strength of Mary and her
Mary made it across the river without getting wet. “This was a favor from God”, Mary stated. One day, during the thirteenth remove, Mary questioned about her son, who was also held against his will with the Indians, and Indian responded that they killed, cooked and ate her son. He went on by saying that he personally ate two of his fingers. Mary turned to The Lord for guidance; and realized that the Indian was dishonest with her and from there on out she knew she could not trust any of
After an extended period of mourning, her father asked her why she would not remove her veil, for surely "the woman...led you into wickedness. How long will you mourn her, who deserves no mourning?" to which the girl replied, "It is my own...sin that I mourn." From then on she slunk about in rags and with ashes covering her face, forgotten by most everyone, and always sitting by the hearth, refusing to wash up, for she was "glad to be humble before God and men."
“His voice seemed about to crack and the grandmother’s head cleared for an instant. She saw the man’s face twisted close to her own as if he were going to cry and she murmured, ‘Why you’re one of my babies. You’re one of my own children!’ She reached out and touched him on the shoulder” (O’Connor 715). The ability she gained to love her enemy was a clear sign that she had really met Jesus. The grandmother knew she was guilty for everything she had done. Unfortunately, she waited too long to try and reconstruct her life.
She tries to convince him that he is actually a good man. She then turns it around telling the misfit that he should pray. He takes this as an excuse for his behaviors stating maybe if he had known the truth about Jesus he wouldn’t have done the things he did. The grandmother then states “Why you’re one of my babies. Your one of my own children!” (529} and reached out and touched him. This could be seen as good after all of the things he had just done. Or it could be seen as yet another manipulation to save her own life.
For the Grandmother Jesus needed to be her saving grace, she tried very hard to get the Misfit to let Jesus be the one to save him, but she could not. One critic makes a comment and says “Her spiritual transformation from a self-sufficient woman to that of a praying woman dependent on Jesus peaks with her compassion for her murderer right before her physical death. She even suggests to the Misfit that he pray” (Kelley
Throughout his life, Jesus performed many miracles. Examples of these miracles can be found in the Holy Bible in the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). I would have to say that my favorite miracle performed by Jesus would have to be when Jesus fed the four thousand, in Mark 8:1-13. Jesus was surrounded by a large crowd and felt compassion for them. He wanted to provide food for everyone so they would be strong enough to travel back to their homes. They only had seven loaves of bread and a few fish, but after Jesus gave thanks and broke the bread, he told his disciples to pass out the food, and they did. When everyone was finished eating there was seven basketfuls of broken pieces left.
Throughout the story Jesus was fighting the whether he should help the young lady or not. This is shown in the story when he first notices the girl. He was wondering how he could help
Further to this, is another fascinating account according to Luke (13:10-13) when Jesus heals a disabled women on the Sabbath day in the
According to the Bible, events have occured which are even more miraculous than the resurection of Jesus Christ. Events such as the stopping of the sun by Joshua (Joshua 10:12-14), the reversal of the sun's course by Isaiah (Isaiah 38:7-8) , the resurrection of the saints, and their subsequent appearance to many (Matthew 27:52-53) were
By physically seeing Jesus, it gave her an even stronger conformation that the experiences were valid and not from her imagination. The beauty was too indescribable not to be genuine. When she was questioned, she defended herself by saying,
But, being that they saw no one other than her, they thought she had lost her mind. What they did not see was that Jesus was leading one of his soldiers home and she was talking to him.
No one could touch this woman who suffered from internal bleeding. They might become spiritually unclean and become an outcast in society. In this woman’s desperation, her only hope was to touch the hem of Christ’s clothes. The tassels of a teacher’s cloak supposedly had great power to heal through touch (Bromley 13). Yet, this woman was not driven to Christ because of magical superstitions. She had heard of the other people he had healed and put her trust in the fact that this was God who was healing people. When she reached out, she was rewarded for her faith and
It also follows the story of Nicodemus who came to Jesus in the night and was taught about being born again. Nicodemus was a Pharisee and was referred to as “a ruler of the Jews”(he was a member of the Sanhedrin). Whereas, the woman was just that, a woman, without a husband and a Samaritan––who were even more despised by the Jews. She went to get water at the well in the middle of the day when it was the hottest because that’s when no one else would be there. She met Jesus when it was light, whereas, Nicodemus came in the night. Both were alone with Jesus, but Nicodemus went in the night to hide because he was ashamed of being seen with Jesus. The woman had no intention of hiding, in fact she didn’t even know who Jesus was.
Throughout the gospel of Mark, Jesus preforms miraculous miracles with the help of faith in God. Jesus’s miracles consist of healings, exorcism, feeding/ providing source of hydration, and power over natural elements(1). Those who don’t follow Christianity most likely don’t understand the purpose of these miracles. They might understand that the miracles are good but probably not the symbolism of each miracle. Miracles are meant to help Christians grow stronger in their faith and understand the ways of Jesus Christ.