
Jesus Bleeding Woman

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Two of the many miracles Jesus performed were the healing of a bleeding woman and the raising of a dead girl. This story can be found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. In this story, Jarius, a synagogue leader, asked Jesus to lay His hands on his 12-year-old daughter who was dying. On their way to see the dying girl, a large crowd surrounded Jesus. In that crowd was a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. The woman believed that if she touched Jesus’ cloak she would be healed, so she reached out, grabbed the cloak, and was immediately healed. As soon as the woman touched His cloak, Jesus knew and asked the crowd who had touched His clothes. The woman who had touched Him fearfully admitted what she had done and Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering,” (Mark 5:34). Soon …show more content…

In Mark 5, Jesus tells the woman that her faith has made her well. The woman also showed faith by pushing through the crowd just because she thought that she would have a chance to be healed if she was able to touch Jesus’ cloak. Not only that, but the woman also used her faith to overcome her fear and shame in order to touch Jesus. Jewish leaders believed that women who were menstruating were unclean. This prevented the woman from worshiping in synagogue temples or even having normal relationships with others due to the fact that anyone who touched the woman when she was bleeding was considered unclean. So, the fact that the woman touched Jesus while being considered unclean was a huge risk: something that only true faith would allow a person to do. This woman suffered for 12 years of her life. She had spent all of her money trying to stop the bleeding and all of her efforts had failed. This woman had nothing to lose, so she reached out for Jesus, and He, in turn, called her “daughter” and accepted her among the people of

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