
Jesus Point To Simon Analysis

Decent Essays

The Parable Jesus gets the last word at the diner by sharing a brief parable with Simon. The parable is about one lender and two debtors that cannot pay their debt. The emphasis is not on the debtors, but the forgiving nature of the lender that canceled out both debts. God does not see us to set us up for failure. Nor is God evaluating us in public, but He does see us. This table meeting is about Jesus forgiving the women, and also Simon. The story is not just about them, but sinners in general. Jesus gives a very simple question to Simon for him to answer regarding who would be the most gracious. Simon reluctantly answers that the one with most debt forgiven should love more (7v43). Jesus point to Simon is that he has judged wrongly. Jesus affirms his answer and then explains why this woman’s sins, which are many, will love more than those …show more content…

She is clean before God no matter how society looks at her. The fact that people can be forgiven, be emotionally and socially expressive in their love and not worry about how the world looks at them anymore is the result of faith and love for Jesus. Simon judged this woman according the cultural markers that suppress her and hold her to her failures. Simon had no answer for this woman’s dilemma, only judgement. Jesus, in this narrative not only explains the love that she has for him, but also defends her by publically announcing that she is forgiven. Forgiveness in this context would be more than a than just a personal acknowledgment, but a social forgiveness restoring her with a freedom to not worry about how culture evaluates her. She loves Jesus and that is all that matters. God is looking at more than our formalities. In His kingdom, he is wanting people to make room for Him at the table by demonstrating hospitality and love at the table. When we practice forgiveness, and love we are highlighting the presence of

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