
Jetblue Negative Issues

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In 2005, among other major airlines in the United States, JetBlue was known to be one of the highest in customer service (Argenti, 2017, p. 102). They were ranked the highest because they served and valued their customers to the best they could, and tried to provide them with the best service during their flights. JetBlue served their signature Terra Blues potato ships, free satellite television in every leather seat, legroom, among other attentive services (Argenti, 2017, p. 102). JetBlue had a valuable reputation; however, all that changed due to deteriorating weather condition.

As mentioned in the reading, due to the deteriorating weather caused at the New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport, critical constituency issues were arising within JetBlue’s customers and their own employees. More than 250 of its 505 flights daily canceled and had an outcome of 1,200 flights canceled between February 14 and February 19 (Argenti, 2016, p. 105). Because of the widespread of cancellations, this caused loss of baggage’s which enraged customers. However, one of the biggest errors that caused constituency issue was when JetBlue trapped their customers inside the plane for over nine hours before they were taken to their terminal (Argenti, 2017, p. 104). These issues ruin JetBlue’s reputation within their potential customers because they now feared that they could lose their baggage, have their flights canceled or even worse, be trapped inside the plane for numerous of hours.

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