Jetty Rats, by Phillip Gwynne, is a novel that explores the qualities of friendship. The text positions the reader to believe that friendship is a very important aspect in everyday lives and that it will be very helpful, but there will also be a lot of complex situations along the way. Friendships can grow between people of different genders, but love will become a factor. Secondly, friendships may grow between people who have close similarities but also differences. Thirdly, friendships can grow between different age groups who may or may not have the same interests. Jetty Rats is a novel that celebrates the gift of friendship- including all of the complex situations that they go though in order to maintain a healthy
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Though they went to the same primary school, Hunter used to bully Skullster and not really pay any attention to him. Skullster was more the indoors type of person and Hunter was the outdoor type. But because Hunter loves fishing, he needed to get mulloways back into the bay, and because Skullster was so good at hacking with computers but was in need of a fake friend, they helped themselves and each other out.
Thirdly, friendships can grow between different age groups who may or may not have the same interests. Hunter and Warwick are an example of this. Warwick is a paleontologist who studies extinct fish who came to Dogleg Bay to find and study fossils. They met in the M.A.B when Warwick needed to go to the toilet while Hunter was cleaning up (chapter 4). The first expression Hunter thought of Warwick was a really hairy, geeky sort of guy that also flosses and uses the urinal like he’s in the city. The next time they talked was in the M.A.B again. This time Hunter listened to Warwick more, accepted him because Warwick treated Hunter like an adult. Hunter was interested in the experiment of unsinkable poo, until Hunter found out he had to touch them (chapter 11). This shows Hunter isn’t really committed to be a scientist that has to touch disgusting stuff.
Afterwards, they talked about how mulloways could come back if there was more fresh water; this gave Hunter the idea to open the barrages. When Warwick was talking about how he didn’t think it was
Of Mice and Men describes the life of a man and his best friend who has the mentality of a child. Their friendship is very strong and this is surprising, “it jus’ seems kinda funny a cuckoo like him and a smart little guy like you travelin’ together”, and this is due to the other characters in the book being implied as very lonely.
No matter your size or age friends play a big part in everyone's life shaping and influencing lives. In the fictional novel “Fluke” by Christopher Moore, the main character, Nathan Quinn teams up with his best friend, Clay Demodocus with a group of workers to study on an island what he loves most, why whales sing. Nate quickly catches feelings for his next closest worker, Amy Earhart who later on impacts Nate’s life. Through the power of friendship Nate experiences benefits, struggles and some unexpected friendship. Unexpected friendship moments can impact someone's lives in a great way.
"Of Mice and Men" is a book about two men and their struggle to achieve their dream of owning a small ranch through their companionship. The two men are completely different, one being a retarded fellow (Lennie), and the other, a typical ranch hand(George) who travels with him. On the path to achieving their dream, they run into obstacles, but stick together, stressing the importance of true friendship. Steinbeck wrote this book to tell us how important it is to have a friend to share your life with.
Good friendships make life easier. Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is about two men, George and Lennie, who go on various journeys in order to get a job. Although George would consider Lennie to be his closest friend, he ultimately ends up shooting and killing Lennie. George did this, not out of hatred, but rather out of protection. A good friend will always want what is best for one another. Steinbeck uses his protagonists’ friendship in order to show that true friendship can help make any of life’s hardships less difficult.
it may not be quite that extreme in all cases, most teenagers go through the
During this time, they had an instant connection and knew there was some special about each another. But they eventually drove apart and never see each other again until years later. They reconnect with each other multiple times throughout the years. They realized they are the total opposites of each other and that life has changed for the both of them now that they’re older. But there is something brewing between these two childhood friends and they know it. This book has many positive and happy situations that keep your mind active while reading it. It shows the intertwined worlds of two people’s lives madly in love with one another. This book delivers a nice amount of romance in a very realistic way. There are many problems with real solutions outlined in this book along with real-world scenarios for events happening every day. You will understand where the characters come from, where they’re at in life, and where they’re going in the future. The words in this book are very descriptive putting you there in the action. There are many fortunate and unfortunate events that happen to the characters putting them in emotional places. Some of these problems are quickly resolved in an entertaining
Everyone needs a friend. Friendships are created through finding similarities, differences and kindness with other people. John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men focuses on the strong friendship of George and Lennie as they follow a dream and travel from farm to farm building up their relationship. In the book The Outsiders, S.E Hinton creates many friendships between similar characters like Johnny and Ponyboy and different characters like Dally and Johnny. Of Mice and Men and The Outsiders demonstrate how friends protect each other, do not let differences stop a friendship, and they find something special to bond over.
In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, many themes come up often throughout the story, especially the theme about bonds between two people. The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck expresses theme of Friendship through various literary elements. Friendship is people that care for and respect each other. It is the link that makes people stick together through the struggles of life. This essay will prove that friendship is important in life.
In both Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck evident components of friendship are persuaded throughout the storyline, particularly in Lennie and George’s friendship in Of Mice and Men and Ralph and Piggy’s friendship in Lord of the Flies. In both books the authors focus on the natural dependence human beings have on each other. Of particular importance is the bond the characters share being outsiders, the dependence they have on one another, the respect they share, the theme of survival, the sacrifice that comes with love and the contrast in their personalities.
John Steinbeck’s 1937 novel Of Mice and Men, has characters who face the same problems American teenagers do today. Like George and Lenny, teenagers, today, have friendships in the book; people have that close relationships with other people who help them make it through in real life. Teens also feel the emptiness and loneliness that they experience in the book as well. Teenagers are always looking for something, just like the characters in the book were looking for a farm of their own.
Friendship is one of the key character traits in the novella. For instance, friendship would be Lennie and George, their friendship is what holds them together and although Lennie is not smart, George still accompanies him as a friend. Continuously as George play more tricks on Lennie he began to see how Lennie didn't care for the tricks, he knew he had a friend. Another example would be Candy and his pet. How candy has had his dog for a while describing how he had his dog since he was a puppy; and how they had herded sheep together. Even though everyone else hated the
Trustworthiness, dependency, and advices are all valuable ideas that must exist in friendship as it helps realize the importance of a friend. People can acknowledge the worth of each other, and also appreciate from their existence, which can lead to an evolution in their friendships. But it can also be a way to consider the standard of a good friend – a true friend. The author analytically motivates readers to wonder about how much of these values their friendships convey, and by utilizing his conceptual meaning of a true friend, Steinbeck translates that a real friend is whom that you can trust, depend on, and take good advices from. Steinbeck in conclusion, further alludes readers to look back upon their friends, and to consider how many “real” friends are besides them
In Charlotte’s Web we are witness to an odd friendship that evolves from a need to survive into one of deepest respect, understanding, and selflessness. In The Fox and the Hound, we see how the innocence of childhood breaks through the barriers of society’s norms and their friendship develops from similar passions and curiosities - with bonds so strong that neither time nor the pressures of family and work can not break them. In life, as in literature, friendship is an important theme that touches us all. One never knows where or when they will find a friend so stay open and receptive. Smile at that person next to you in the cafeteria, strike up a conversation with the kid next to you on the bus, bake your neighbor some cookies and stay for tea… You may be embarking upon your next tremendous
The pleasures gained from enjoying another’s company in a friendship vary in age, gender and, even more specifically, in individuals. Where a young child may experience a strong liking for his or her companion’s presence on multiple occasions, an adult will be content with one solid interaction. The transition from childhood to adulthood also alters the level of comfort one feels within a friendship. As one ages, one becomes more sensitive to the actions of those around them and will quickly eliminate a friend if his or her doings are not favored. (Doyle, Smith 5) This assessment is a clear indication of how Aristotle emphasizes the benefit of comfort in a relationship
In this addicting read, the author tells a story about a free spirited teenage girl named Margo who runs away from home, leading her childhood friend and admirer, Quentin, to find her. He and his friends set off across the country to find Margo. Although Margo appeared to have a lot of friends, she was troubled and lonely. But when she leaves, Quentin is troubled and worried. He proves to her the true meaning of friendship and love when he misses his own graduation to set off across the country to find her and make sure that she is safe. The book is an amazing example of true friendship and it teaches us to value those who love us. Even though Margo had many friends, the one who really loved her was the only that mattered in the