Jewelry has always sparked the imagination and fancy of people. A new book by Aja Raden called “Stoned” explores several noteworthy pieces that have, quite literally, changed the world. Each of them has a story to tell. Here are a few to get your imagination going.
Mary's Diamond
The New York Post noted that Mary's Diamond could be the very reason diamonds hold such a high place in human regard. Princess Mary of Burgundy is the first person to ever receive an engagement ring and it is by her example that diamond company De Beers, 3 centuries after Mary's time, spun the spectacle into a global phenomenon.
Mary's diamond is an M-shaped ring with diamonds all around. It was presented to her by the Archduke Maximillian who would later become the Holy Roman Emperor. The ring, apparently, was made to impress Mary's father using the latest
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Ayer and Son to make sure this love story would capture the hearts and wallets of couples from all over. With a tag line “a diamond is forever,” De Beers' monopoly of the not-so-rare diamond was sealed.
Elizabeth's Pearl
La Peregrina or “The Wanderer” is arguably the world's most famous pearl. It was once owned by Elizabeth Taylor as a Valentine's gift from Richard Burton. Raden describes it as a “perfectly pear shaped natural white pearl.”
La Peregrina, however, used to be the stuff of war. Previously owned by Mary of England as a gift from King Philip of Spain to make her agree to marry him, it projected a message of wealth, power, and global dominance.
When Mary the virgin queen died, Philip quickly proposed to her despised younger sister Elizabeth I. She refused the marriage but wanted La Peregrina, something which Philip naturally did not give. When this happened, pirates pillaged Spanish ships and Elizabeth turned a blind eye. Infuriated, Philip sent the Spanish Armada to take England. The fall of the Spanish navy ushered in England's Golden Age.
The pet I am honoring for Dia de los Muertos is my dog Sa$ah. She is big, cute, and short. She has a clumsy, funny, and crazy personality. She was important to me because she was always a pet that I could go to if I felt sad. Fortunately she hasn’t died yet.
Philip was a great emperor when he was emperor spain reached high on influence and power.
A piece of jewellery (a ring) supposedly belonged to Joan of Arc, it dates to 15th century Europe.
Mary saw that she needed support from other countries if her Catholic reforms were to thrive. Mary began to search for a suitable husband, and turned to the big catholic empires of the world. Sparking her eye was King Phillip of Spain. They were married immediately, but rarely saw each other. Relations between England and Spain had not improved, despite the fact that their marriage was to unite the two countries, maybe because of Pope Paul’s prior squabble with Spain’s allies.
In 1588, King Philip sent his Spanish Armada to invade England for many reasons. Firstly, Francis Drake had previously been raiding treasure ships returning to Spain. Secondly, Philip was a very strong Catholic. After Mary, the previous English queen (who was Catholic) had been beheaded, Elizabeth came to the throne. Philip was angry when he heard the news so he decided to bring England back to being Catholic.
Tempers really came to a boil when Elizabeth I gave her stamp of approval by supporting the Dutch Revolt that was happening against Spain. This is thought by most to be the last straw that sets the motion all needed for the battle of the century. King Philip II was upset, and to blow off some steam he devised what at the time I’m sure seemed like the greatest plan he ever thought of. That plan was to invade England, overthrown the Protestant Queen, and instill the Roman Catholic ways of Spain in England. This plan was huge, if executed Spain would be set up for certain world domination. The king had confidence in his plan because of his new weapon and toy; the Spanish Armada. It was the most frightening thing anyone ever witnessed on water. 130 ships carrying approximately 2,500 guns, 8,000 crew members, and about 20,000 soldiers the Armada’s presence gave the image of the schoolyard bully; big, bad, and waiting on someone to start a
* Jessica Alba's engagement ring features a 5 carat Asscher diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds. The shank is encrusted with smaller diamonds for a luxurious, timeless and elegant
Along with this, this also led to the beginning of a power shift in leaders, where Elizabeth I, a woman, disobeyed Phillip II, a man, something that was considered very taboo during this time. This rejection overall angered Phillip as he had plans of marrying Elizabeth I for the purpose of joining her to reign the throne of England. The acrimony Phillip II then felt due to being rejected, led him to the irrational plan that was the Spanish Armada. Within this plan, Phillip II decided to attack England to gain complete control over them. His mindset was strictly focused on Spain gaining complete power, which in turn ended up working against him as it is through this that Spain’s great downfall begun. The Spanish Armada was created, and along with this, Spain’s loss of power had been initiated. Charles Phillips, British author, supports the idea of Elizabeth I marriage rejection angering King Phillip II to creating the Spanish Armada against England, which thus in turn created Spain’s dramatic downfall, in “King’s and Queens of Britain’s Golden Age” writing in the section “The Age of Elizabeth (46)” “With the death of Mary, Phillip saw that he himself could now lay claim to the english crown in the event of the restoration of Catholicism.” Here, Phillips is supporting the idea that through Phillip II’s marriage proposal, he had high hopes of gaining more power and taking over England just as he did with Portugal. Therefore, it is through
The Spanish Armada is about a boat that set sail in July 1588 by the Spanish, and it was ordered by the catholic King Philip ii of Spain to invade England and take down the protestant Queen Elizabeth i. Queen Elizabeth i, was catholic but then became protestant. The Church did not like her decision and they wanted her to become catholic again, so the Pope encouraged King Philip ii of Spain if he could try to make England catholic again. King Philip agreed to do what the Pope had asked of him. For years King Philip ii wanted England and he was in need of a Queen and since Elizabeth i was not wed he proposed to Elizabeth over and over again, but Elizabeth wanted to make the decisions and wanted to be in charge for her country and she did not want to marry because she did not want to be told what to do by her husband, so she declined all of Philip’s marriage proposals. Philip agreed that he would give her time and he would be willing to be patient for her and the throne, and wait for Elizabeth to accept his proposal.
Philip II tries to gain as much power as he could. “Philip II overthrew Henry II and the pope” (Lincoln Libraries). During the early 16th and later 17th centuries,Spain was going through a loss in power. After Charles V died Philip II took over and he tried to take as much power as he could. The decline of Spain happened because Philip II was not interested in their needs. After Philip died Spain would never be as powerful or as great as it was during the reign of Philip II.
Elizabeth. As a plan to avenge the deaths caused by Drake’s assault on Spain, the Spanish king
The foundation of the Supreme Court began with the earliest articles of the constitution. More specifically, Section II of Article III dictated that “The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority…”(National Archives). This language laid out the legal precedent for which the Supreme Court could be built. Due to the intentionally vague nature, the founding fathers intended for the first Congressional Contingent to build the workings of the court. Inspirations for such a Federal legal system arose from several sources. Chiefly among these sources was British Common Law and the Magna Carta. The first Congress built the Supreme Court in its original form of six judges, and from there, the court evolved in the early 19th century and exerted its influence on the development of the United States of America.
Until mid-1800s, diamonds were a rarity and could only be seen on the hand of a monarch. But diamond rush in the latter part of 19th century in South Africa flooded the market with diamonds, which was not ideal for De Beer’s business.
With this victory Phillip gained some control over the Mediterranean and his naval dominance was at its peak. Phillip also had control over the Spanish Netherlands which were another important source of wealth. Phillip II’s high tax in the Netherland’s trading system brought upon rebellions which Phillip was unable to shut down easily. In the end only some parts of The Netherlands remained catholic and loyal to Phillip II. Lastly Since there was an alliance between the rebelling Netherlands and England; Phillip planed revenge on England on 1587 not only for revenge but also for hopes of making it catholic once more. To activate his revenge, Phillip gathered a large fleet also known as the “Great Armada” and sent it towards England. Everyone had expected a victory from Phillip II but as the large fleet headed for England it ended up in the middle of a storm which shipwrecked a large portion of the fleet. To Phillips surprise his fleet was weakened furthermore by England’s strategic naval attack using fire ships. Lastly, since Phillip was a pure catholic like his father. He held on to the inquisition policy which targeted mainly Protestants like Calvinists. It was a mistake because it caused uneasiness between Catholicism and Protestantism in Spain. In conclusion Phillip II of Spain not only caused an economic depression for his nation but he destroyed its naval force, was unable to efficiently suppress uprisings in the
Wouldn’t it be nice if all Americans were more financially literate? We’d make better financial decisions, have less debt, save more and be better prepared for retirement. We may even have avoided much of our current economic plight by not getting as far into debt or by getting into mortgages that we couldn’t afford.