It was a lonely town. Cracked buildings and straw houses. There was a chemist, grocery store and a town hall. The houses were small and not many people lived in the town. There was a population was about 30 people so everyone knew each other. 5 out of this 30 had type 1 diabetes. The chemist was a well loved by the whole town. Many got supplies from there. They were slowly running out of supplies and medication for the type 1 diabetics. The township heard of the news that Jesus was curing and healing people in surrounding towns and cities. The diabetics wrote letters to Jesus asking him to bring medication and supplies to the town. Before they knew it Jesus was on route to their town. They laid out red carpet for Jesus. He was going to save the town because he will have their supplies and money. But when he came they we shocked. He didn’t have anything with him. They wondered is this him? Did he have the wrong address? Didn’t he get the letters? He called all the …show more content…
Your sins are forgiven. Rejoice with the crowd and celebrate.” “Thank you, Thank you” Everyone said to Jesus. The mayor came to talk to Jesus. “Thank you, you have saved the town from great debt now we can rebuild our town not having to worry about paying for shipment of medication. But there is one more thing I need to please ask you to do.” “What is it?” “Can you please bless the town and all others that are sick?” “I can bless the whole world. I shall cure everyone.” At once the sky lit up to a pink colour. Jesus put his hands up and prayed to god. “May all those on earth that believe in God be cured, Healed and blessed. May all sins be forgiven to those who believe.” The sky darkened and then a huge shot of yellow flew across the sky and everyone was healed. It made huge news with everyone being shocked. The said “How could this happen? I can see again! I can hear again?” Everyone rejoiced and celebrated. Everyone praised Jesus and God for their actions. It was a
There was an immigrant named Jesuś, he was a short man with slick black hair. He was
The roads were filled with commotion and excitement, especially on the roads leading toward the courthouse. The top newspapers in the nation had press representatives sent out to be present for a certain court proceeding and give daily reports. Street vendors strutted along selling various items like foods, toys, and books. Peddlers weren’t the only ones taking advantage of the throng of people- so were missionaries. Revivalists took this as a sign from God to preach His Word amongst the crowds and share their beliefs.
The author Langston Hughes reminisces about when his Aunt took him to church when he was thirteen years old; ‘Every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing praying, shouting, and some very hard sinners had been brought to Jesus’(1059). At the end of revival the children were asked to approach the ‘mourners’ bench ‘To be saved!’ Langston’s Aunt told him about how when you were saved ‘something happened to you inside.’ (1059) So Mr. Hughes went to the bench with the fellow children in the church, the preacher preached, hymns were sung they keep saying ‘wont’ you come, Young lambs to Jesus?’ One by one the children rose to Jesus. Leaving Langston Hughes and another boy Westley; the boy Westley got tired of sitting on the bench he stood up to be saved. Langston Hughes sat there waiting for Jesus he too grew tired of sitting on the bench and he figured that Jesus didn’t smite Westley for lying; so he stood up.
On Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the people were praising the Lord and the religious leaders (Pharisees) rebuked Him. “Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, 38 saying: “‘Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!’ Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” 39
A woman approached them and asked them if they knew Jesus. She started preaching to them and during that moment they began defending their lack of faith. After each of them rejected what she was saying, she changed her
As the boys were celebrating the new slur they realized that Jesus was a Jew. They figured it shouldn’t be said, but they say continued to say it. He gets reprimanded by his mother and she tells him to send his friends on their way, pointless however because they all scattered.
The children who “have not yet been brought to Jesus” had to sit in the front row for a priest to pray for them. The priest started to preach and one by one the children who were sitting in the front row started to get up and get saved. Hughes examines on why the other children got up. His conclusion was that they were pretending to be saved and tired of sitting down. The absence of his savior Jesus frustrated him and disappointed him.
The pastor wanted all of the children to come up and be saved by Jesus. Hughes´ was hesitant and watched all the other children go up to be saved. His aunt told him that Jesus would come to him and he would be able to feel and see Jesus. He says in his essay,”She said you could see and hear and feel Jesus in your soul¨(Hughes 947). I was asked at 12 years old if I wanted to be baptized and give all of my sins to Jesus.
Situation: Langston, a young boy goes to his Auntie Reed’s church for the revival. The little church was hot, and crowded. They people were “preaching, singing, praying, and shouting some very hard sinners”. At the end of the revival, they held a special meeting for the children, “to bring the young lambs to the fold. Langston was among the few lambs that are preparing to be saved by jesus. As Langston was waiting for Jesus to come the preacher said "Won't you come? Won't you come to Jesus? Young lambs, won't you come?” The boy waited a long time to see Jesus, Westley another boy having the same problem seeing Jesus lied about seeing him, and all the other kids dancing, and shouting that they “saw” Jesus. Therefor he lied about seeing Jesus because everyone else was done, and was waiting for him. Langston did not see the light, and never saw jesus, and cried because of it.
Dad said, "Now close your eyes Son, and think of Jesus standing on a hill, His white robe gently blowing in the breeze, His arms reaching out toward you."
“Two blind men... shouted, ‘Lord, have mercy on us!’ ... Jesus stopped and called them. ‘What do you want Me to do for you?’ He asked.” Matthew 20:30-32
“They started coming to church, and one of the brothers began visiting them in their apartment, and that's where they put their trust in Jesus.”
Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the Temple, where St. Simeon rejoiced and Mary received word of sorrows to come later. Warned to flee,
The world was gripped by the tale of forgiveness, Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and his subsequent resurrection, as it was written and asserted. Through his first supernatural miracles and preaching, Christ had created a young religious congregation, but after his death Christ’s disciples and followers dedicated themselves to spreading the Word of God and the religion to the far corners of the world. Mass conversions took place with ordinary citizens in awe at the declared majesty of God, as well as the thought of a better life beyond the squalor of ancient
By building the basilica in Jerusalem, Emperor Constantine caused a shift to take place in the lives of Christians. This shift focused on how and where Christians worshipped. They no longer gathered in a “private religious association”, but the basilica that Constantine commissioned became “a solomon civic ritual that drew larger numbers of populace into a shared public ceremony” (Wilkin, 112). Built in the Holy City, the Christian Jerusalem is described by Wilkin as a place that appears more holy because it has brought to light proof of the suffering of the Savior (Wilkin, 111). “Because a place, unlike bones, is stationary and immovable, the church had to be built at the very spot where the sacred events had occurred. This intimate bond between