
Jig Code Hero

Decent Essays

Did She or Did She Not? Abortions were looked down upon in the 1920s. The short story “Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway is based on code hero. The hero who follows this code must show displays of courage, pride, endurance, and not complaining about an issue. After Ernest Hemingway’s mother dominated his father, he killed himself, Hemingway developed an issue with women making them the cruel people of his stories and the men the heroes. Most of the short stories that Hemingway wrote were based off men following the code, but in this short story, the woman named Jig follows the code. The girl, Jig, follows the hero code “grace under pressure” by not having an abortion, which is evidenced in the symbols of train tracks, beaded …show more content…

In his short story, Hemingway wrote, “The girl looked at the beaded curtain, put her hand out and took hold of the two strings of beads” (314). The bead strings were not just part of the curtain, it references rosary beads that Catholics used because back then abortions were a big deal and frowned upon; they looked at childbearing as a great thing. Jig took hold of the strings looking for guidance and most likely praying for the help that she needs to be strong. She knows that the American man wants her to have an abortion, but she does not want to go against her religion. Jig lives by “grace under pressure” showing she has a lot of endurance, dealing with the fact that the American man will not even think of the positives that come from having a baby. Towards the end of the story, it references the man walking back through the curtains showing that he may be changing his mind and is starting to notice that religion plays a big factor in Jigs life. He starts to realize that Jig will do whatever it takes to keep him, but at the same time she was going to do whatever it takes to keep the child. During the whole process and argument, Jig had not cried once. She stayed strong and tried to keep focused on religion. Jig truly did not want to have an abortion, but she then looked to her rosary, helping her to realize that she really did not want to lose the

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