
Jim Doll Experiment

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Any field of any occupation would be futile if the aim of the employee, or manager, or operator is monetary or that of pretentious prestige. Only a few have contributed to not only their fields but to the world by dedication and altruism that positively affects society as a whole. Kenneth and Mamie Clark, married African American psychologists, whom influenced the thoughts and behaviors and even engendered wars to change a moronic ideal set that, back then, came to annihilate the country. Mamie Clark was born in Arkansas; her father was a doctor; and so she and her 2 siblings had a privileged childhood, due to the well social and financial level they lived in despite witnessing the Jim Crow era and racial segregation in schools. Mamie …show more content…

The cognitive perspective elucidated in the experiment, is how African American children's thoughts about their own race caused them to regard the white doll as the nice one. Which again is influenced by the psychoanalytic perspective of how they're not yet consciously aware of why they chose that doll precisely, but deep within them, their "subconscious instinct" drove them to pick it.
Kenneth and Mamie Clark

By nature, Neil degrasse tysons' squote that "non one is born racist" we're born racist, then we learn that materialism (in every aspect even looks) matters nothing, and that our brains are technically the same [if not dumber for shallowly judging upon looks]. Through evolution, has become the healthier, th eprettier the more conscious and attractive…It's our instinctive desires to find someone light haired and light skinned.Ye sod course
These aren't standards we …show more content…

It's not that her family saw her inferior to them; long before she even experienced. NOw she doesn't directly state that in the documentary; she only claims that it's society's standards set…hmm that's a lethal non

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