
Jimmy's Disabilities In Film

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Throughout the history of Hollywood film productions, filmmakers portray many aspects of disabilities in a wide variety of movies. Furthermore, the portrayal of disability usually takes place through a character, which means a depiction or representation of a particular person. Therefore, when filmmakers portray characters with disabilities, whether they are the center of the action or are secondary, the filmmakers provide many insights about disability. After doing research on treatments of disabilities in films, I believe Hollywood presents disabilities in many unique ways; however, some may say filmmakers take advantage of disabilities, while others feel that genuine emotion and truthfulness are brought to viewers. Out of the Past, directed …show more content…

Jimmy is deaf and mute; therefore, he is a boy who cannot hear or speak. He can, however, use and understand sign language very well; therefore, he easily communicates with Jeff, his boss in ways that others cannot overhear. Jimmy’s disability is therefore a gift to Jeff. He is a perfect side kick for Mr. Bailey, because Jeff has a secret past, in which he keeps hidden from the other citizens in his small town. One may understand the important role of Jimmy now; Jimmy’s disability protects Jeff’s past. Jimmy is able to keep Jeff safe for, not being able to speak, he is in control, because some people don’t understand sign language. Therefore, Jimmy keeps his comments and Jeff’s past bottled up inside. Also, when one loses a sense, they usually say your other senses become stronger; therefore, his vision is stronger, keeping a look out for Jeff. He is very well trusted by the locals due to his disability and because he is loyal and also capable of performing any task at the gas station, everyone likes him. Although, one may stereotype Jimmy due to his conditions as not being able to accomplish …show more content…

This leaves the audience surprised at how well Jimmy performs his protective role despite his disability; in fact, his deafness and muteness serve as an advantage to Jeff. Therefore, the filmmaker’s disable Jimmy and take advantage of his muteness to be sneaky in a sense so that he can communicate to Jeff without others understanding. Therefore, Tourneur’s film noir doesn’t compare to many other films in the way those filmmakers portray certain disabled characters. One may believe this is realistic in today’s world; however, others may overlook the ability of Jimmy’s other senses and say he isn’t capable of performing the way he does in Out of the Past. Furthermore, Jimmy is a perfect side kick to Jeff with being mute and deaf, he is able to keep his secrets bottled up about Jeff. Mr. Bailey wants no one to find him; therefore, why not choose a boy who can’t hear or talk. Jimmy will never know anything unless Jeff wants him to know, he won’t be able to understand anything unless Jeff signs it to him. Not many viewers understand how important Jimmy’s character is. One may wonder why have a disabled boy instead of abled kid? The filmmakers of, Out of the Past, do a fantastic job of portraying Jimmy’s deaf and mute disability by making him a perfect side kick of Jeff Bailey. Jimmy does a fantastic job of protecting Jeff’s past and present. Furthermore, his disability is truthful to

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