
Jinsi Ya Kutembea Analysis

Decent Essays

Jinsi Ya Kutembea - How to Walk

My arms shook with debilitating fervor as I carried the water jug above my head and down the dirt highway. Sweat poured from my bangs and stung my eyes, but I couldn’t risk letting go of the precious commodity I held on to. With every step a stinging tendril of pain shot up from my ankles, through my calves, and into my knees, which, not even two miles into the walk had already began to buckle. The unforgiving African sun bared down on me with unrelenting force, and through all the pain and sweat and grunting, I kept wondering how the mothers leading the caravan were still smiling. They led the group towards the hazy orange horizon, clothed in their homespun dresses and intricate native jewelry, smiling and singing all the way — while I fought back tears with every step. As I attempted to follow the group, our Massai guide, Phillip, approached me with a similar blinding smile, and a question I would never forget. “How do you walk?” I responded …show more content…

Our task was not just to simply walk — we were being asked to place ourselves in the bare feet of the mothers and walk like them. We were being asked to focus outward — not on our own pain and suffering and the incessant nagging of selfishness, but the massive problems scattered throughout our world, hidden to us because we refuse to look up. That day, I had stared at my feet the entire walk — not thinking about the mothers or their journey, just walking onward. But walking wasn’t what we were meant to learn — we were being taught how to walk with empathy. Through Phillip’s words and the courage of the mothers, I learned the invaluable lesson that the world is much larger than the bubble we place ourselves in. It is filled with other people, with their own struggles and songs, smiles and tears, all walking on the same, long, treacherous, painful, beautiful, inexplicable path towards the horizon,

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