Stacey Logan Development
“Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, is the best kind of historical fiction in which valuable lessons from the past can be learned.” ( So begins Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, a novel about an African American family growing up in the times of segregation. In this novel Taylor teaches us many lessons but one indeed stands out and that is that prejudice acts can change a man. In the novel Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, Stacey Logan is forced to mature early in life; this shows us that exposure to prejudice and violence can force a boy to lose his innocence, and make him a man.
In the beginning of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Mildred D. Taylor at first displays Stacey Logan as a young innocent boy who makes bad decisions.
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I think i’ll take Stacey with me.”
“Now, David,no-” “He’ll be thirteen next month and he needs to be with me more.” “David, he’s just a boy.”
“Baby, a boy get as big as Stacey down here and he’s near a man.” “He’s gotta know a man’s things.” “He gotta know how to handle himself.”(Taylor 207) This quote shows that Stacey has greatly matured because even his father has noticed that he has become more of a man, and now he wants to take Stacey up to Vicksburg to shop for the black families that won’t shop at the Wallace’s, which could be very dangerous. This also shows that Stacey has finally matured enough to start doing what a man does. Another example showing that Stacey has matured very much is when he blames himself for the incident of his father’s broken leg. This shows that he has matured enough to take responsibility for his actions. “Then... then Jack reared up, scared by the shot, and I couldn’t hold him...and...and the wagon rolled over his leg.” “His voice cracked sharply and he exploded guiltily, “It’s my fault his leg’s busted!” (Taylor 215) This quote shows that Stacey has matured and is now a man, and has lost his childlike innocence due to racism and prejudice
Did you know that you have been lied to? Time and time again, people in and out of fiction have told you things that aren’t exactly true, but you both knew it was a lie (a rather sarcastic one at that). This is an example of what is called irony— what results when the actual outcome differs from what was expected— and irony is something that is heavily featured in Mildred Taylor’s historical fiction novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. In this book Mildred Taylor’s use of irony helps to accomplish three main tasks: characterize the monochromatic cast of characters, elucidate and illuminate the main theme of the passage, creating, setting, and modifying the ambiance and mood of the various chapters.
Stacey Mr. Courageous Throughout the novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, Mildred Taylor uses Stacey Logan as a courageous boy standing for his convictions. Stacey proves his convictions by protecting his friends and going after T.J. when he went to the Wallace Store. Staceys actions proved that he was a brave, strong, boy who wanted to protect his family and the land he lived on. Stacey shows his family and friends that he is willing to face the consequences that come with standing up for his convictions.
In life, being courageous means you have to stand up for your convictions and beliefs. In the novel Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry written by Mildred D. Taylor, Stacey consistently shows gigantic amounts of courage throughout the book. Stacey shows how courageous he was when he chased after T.J. to find the truth for his mom; when he confronted T.J. about his lying and tells the kids he wouldn’t stand for it; and when Stacey stays behind during the big explosion of violence at the end of the book. The events all demonstrate Stacey’s courage and willingness to help his family.
The main problem that Stacey had was he let too many things people said get to his head. When Uncle Hammer, Papa’s brother, came down from Chicago for Christmas he brought many gifts. One of those gifts was a new wool coat for Stacey. Uncle Hammer gave the Christmas present earlier, Stacey went to church wearing the new coat. When T.J. saw Stacey he called him a fat preacher.
Courage is hard to have. Especially when there are people judging you. In the book Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, there are many great acts of courage shown. In the book, Mildred Taylor writes many times when a character has to show courage. Stacey had to show courage when Papa was gone and he had to step up and be the man of the house, when, the night men attacked them, and when he had to help TJ get home and help the Avery’s.
It takes courage to stand up for your convictions. All thought the novel, Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry, Mildred taylor wrote about her family and their past. Cassie proves her courage by fighting Lillian Jean, standing up for Little Man. Cassie shows who she was in this novel when she is not treated equally and that she loves are family. Cassie proves that she is willing to fight for “equality” in the world around her.
He says, “Stacey what if they find out we done it” (Page 54). The final trait is that he is caring. The evidence is that on the first day of school. When he found out that T.J got Claude in trouble on purpose he comes and puts his arm around him and takes him to school away from
Have you ever encountered a person who has had a negative impact on the community? In Mildred D. Taylor’s Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry, T.J. has the biggest negative impact on the community. T.J. is a twelve year old boy in the seventh grade. T.J. lives in Mississippi and his family is low on income. In Mississippi, 1933 T.J. becomes friends with the Logan kids, Cassie, the main character, her brother Stacey, and youngest brother Claude, mostly known as Little Man.
In the 1930s people faced discrimination because of the color of their skin. Although, some people showed courage and stood up for what they thought was right. Mildred Taylor’s book Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry takes place in the heart of the south and the height of discrimination. Mama is the type of person that takes action instead of holding back. Mama shows courage by pasting the books, not changing her lesson, and boycotting the Wallaces.
Mildred D Taylor is an American writer. She was born in Jackson, Mississippi. She called this place “a segregated city in a segregated state in a segregated America.” When she was only a few weeks old, her parents moved to Ohio due to incidents of racial violence. In 1975, she came out with Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. This is her best-known work. It is narrated Cassie Logan who is 9 years
On page 230 of the book Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor, the Logans and Jeremy Simms are having a conversation in the coolness of the forest. Jeremy offers to show the Logans his tree house in the forest, but Stacey utters a cold refusal. This quote really outlines the theme of race. The Logans refuse because Papa believes that the two races, for the time being, can’t mix because the White person eventually realizes that they have more power over the Black person and starts using
Mildred D. Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry is set during the Great Depression, in the rural areas of Mississippi. The majority of the people in this community are sharecroppers, who are greatly dependent on plantation farming. The Logan family is fortunate because they have a piece of land of their own, so unlike other black sharecroppers they do not have to be dependent on the whites. However, due to the sharp decrease in the price of the cotton crop the family have to work hard to keep it in their hands, whilst also providing food in order for them to survive. The situation is further worsened because of the severity of racism and segregation in the society. The Logans are one of the few families
Since the beginning, humans have enslaved or mistreated their fellow humans. Whether it is a matter of race, gender, religion, or otherwise, humans commit horrible crimes against each other simply because they are different from one another. However, throughout history, humans have also protested this abuse. Over time, the mistreatment stops if enough people protest it. This cycle of injustice and protest becomes a recurring theme in Mildred D. Taylor’s historical fiction novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. [Needs summary] In the novel, the nine-year-old African-American narrator Cassie endures injustices such as racial epithets in her textbook, a racist bus driver, and a sadistic twelve-year-old white girl. But there will be protest against all of these, and Cassie will learn valuable lessons from each of them.
There are many important Themes in the novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry. These themes include: racial prejudice, loyalty, honesty, friendship, personal integrity and respect for others. Although Jeremy Simms and TJ Avery are fairly minor people in the book, their characters are used to inforce and strengthen the themes of the novel.
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is a novel based in the Southern States of America in the 1930’s and deals with the theme of Racism amongst other themes. Racism is being prejudice or discriminating against someone of a different race based on such a belief. Following on from the Civil War, America experienced ‘The Great Depression’ and it affected everyone, especially blacks. Mildred Taylor reveals examples of racism and racist behaviour throughout the novel based on her own experiences. In this essay, I will discuss what blacks were subjected to and how racism is presented in this novel.