
Joan Logan Quotes

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Stacey Logan Development
“Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, is the best kind of historical fiction in which valuable lessons from the past can be learned.” ( So begins Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, a novel about an African American family growing up in the times of segregation. In this novel Taylor teaches us many lessons but one indeed stands out and that is that prejudice acts can change a man. In the novel Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, Stacey Logan is forced to mature early in life; this shows us that exposure to prejudice and violence can force a boy to lose his innocence, and make him a man.
In the beginning of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Mildred D. Taylor at first displays Stacey Logan as a young innocent boy who makes bad decisions. …show more content…

I think i’ll take Stacey with me.”
“Now, David,no-” “He’ll be thirteen next month and he needs to be with me more.” “David, he’s just a boy.”
“Baby, a boy get as big as Stacey down here and he’s near a man.” “He’s gotta know a man’s things.” “He gotta know how to handle himself.”(Taylor 207) This quote shows that Stacey has greatly matured because even his father has noticed that he has become more of a man, and now he wants to take Stacey up to Vicksburg to shop for the black families that won’t shop at the Wallace’s, which could be very dangerous. This also shows that Stacey has finally matured enough to start doing what a man does. Another example showing that Stacey has matured very much is when he blames himself for the incident of his father’s broken leg. This shows that he has matured enough to take responsibility for his actions. “Then... then Jack reared up, scared by the shot, and I couldn’t hold him...and...and the wagon rolled over his leg.” “His voice cracked sharply and he exploded guiltily, “It’s my fault his leg’s busted!” (Taylor 215) This quote shows that Stacey has matured and is now a man, and has lost his childlike innocence due to racism and prejudice

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