I choose to research Joan Mitchell because I did not know very much about her or the type of artist she is. Joan Mitchell is a second generation member of the abstract expressionist group and was a very well respected painter of her time. She was born on February 12, 1925 and died on October 30, 1992. Joan was born in Mitchell was born in Chicago Illumines however, most of her career took place in France and she was one of the eras few female painters. She was so well respected that her paintings and prints can be seen in major museums and collections across the United States and Europe. Her paintings often covered two separate panels. “An admirer of Vincent van Gogh's work, Mitchell observed in one of his final paintings – Wheatfield with Crows (1890) – the symbology of death, suicide, hopelessness, depression and darkness. With her sense that Wheatfield with Crows was a suicide note, she painted a painting called No Birds as a response and as an homage”. Joan was a painter who was influenced by many others and incorporated others ideas in her paintings. I think that this is one of the reasons why she is so well respected. Joan’s most notable awards were: “1991 Le Grand Prix des Arts (Peinture) of the …show more content…
Mitchell’s professional career began around 1950. Throughout her life she always a great relationships between her family members and other artists. Her work were inspired and be grouped together by landscape, personal relationships, or some major life event.
“My paintings repeat a feeling about Lake Michigan, or water, or fields...it’s more like a poem...and that’s what I want to paint.” This is one of the reasons why Joan stood out to me when I was looking for an artist or painter to research. Jaon was well liked and was very well respected. Mitchell painted mostly water, sky, trees, flowers, weather and dogs. Her created images and memories from which she worked helped influence others to do the
Sarah Winchester was born on September 1839 in New Haven, Connecticut. She was an American heiress who inherited a gun company called the Winchester Repeating Arms Company in which she became one of the wealthiest women in the world during that time. Sarah inherited 20 million dollars and about 50% of the company after her husband, William Wirt Winchester, died of pulmonary tuberculosis. Long before her husband’s death, she gave birth to her only daughter, Annie Pardee Winchester, but died of “marasmus” which is a disease in which the body wastes away. The deaths of her husband and daughter left her to grieve and at some point, in a state of madness. Sarah Winchester is known as the person behind the construction of the “Haunted” Winchester Mystery House.
On January 31, 2001 Logan Marr was found dead in an unfinished basement, yards of duct tape surrounding her, and a foster mother claiming that she just fell and hit her head. Sally Schofield, a respected caseworker at Maine's Department of Health and Human Services, had taken Logan in 2000. By 2001, 5 year old Logan would be dead. “I just want Sally Schofield out of my life forever,” Logan’s mother says, 16 years later, “She’s ruined my children’s lives and mine. She took an innocent child from this world for no reason.” Logan’s death was a tragedy that highlighted the problems in Maine's child welfare systems. The mistakes that were made were unforgivable, but a lesson learned from DHHS.
It seemed to amaze her how they could tell her how they did theirs, but wouldn’t teach her how it’s actually done. All her paintings came from her traveling experience. I remember her saying how the clouds looked solid as she looked up and just imagined. She lived until she was 90, she died of old age. I admired the fact where she talked about how early she would wake up and what time she would be back after being out working as an artist because it showed how dedicated she was to her craft. There was a time when her drawings were put up in a museum without her knowing and she found out from someone else and got down to the bottom of
where she was already curious. Her life was going to be everything but ordinary. She was born
Mollie Goodnight did all that she could throughout her whole life from taking care of her siblings right after both of her parents’ deaths, to just teaching some of her husband's farm hands how to read. Mollie tried to do her best even in the darkest of times, which is one of the reasons that she is one of the best women Texas has ever had.
Andrea Yates was a thirty-seven year old mother who committed a terrible crime. As she drowned her five children in the family bathtub, she believed that she was “saving” them. Many horrendous crimes are committed, yet the assailant gets away with the verdict of insanity.
was a pioneer and led the way for future female painters to have the courage to become
There were dozens of second cousins running and playing in the backyard having the time of our lives, while the first cousins and aunts and uncles caught up with each other under the shade of the two giant elms, I would routinely duck into the house to see what Uncle Charlie had been working on. He would often find me looking at his art that hung in the hall and living room and he would so articulately tell me about each of the works. Charlie was so eloquent in sharing with his visions and methods with me that he soon became my mentor in all things spiritual and artistic. I so enjoyed being around him at a young age and looked forward to seeing one painting after another. Charlie was always so caring in the way he would explained what his thoughts were about the subject and how he the painter sees regarding the light and tonality of the work. Charlie spoke of experiments with painting techniques. He spoke of weaving strokes of color tones in creating subtle overall image of the subject. I recall a painting of a young boy who appeared to be singing a popular song of the time. “Red Roses” trying to capture the essence of sound in the portrait. We listened to the song and gazed at the portrait. Yes, it worked to my young
Joni Mitchell was hospitalized yesterday, after she was found unconscious in her Los Angeles home. The 71-year old was transported to the hospital by paramedics, but she gained consciousness by the time she arrived at the hospital. The Joni Mitchell website has been releasing updates pertaining to the singer-songwriter's condition. "Joni is currently in intensive care in an LA area hospital but is awake and in good spirits," the website reported.
Jane Peterson belongs to the group of Impressionist artists. Features of Impressionist artists include vibrant colors, genre subject matter, everyday life scenes, and thick, quick brushstrokes (2). She developed a thriving career as a female artist in the early to mid 1900s, which was uncommon. During this time women were seen as passive, weak, and were not allowed to do things men were allowed to do, according to the class notes. Peterson is an American artist, born in Illinois, and attended art school in New York then later studied in Europe. While studying in Europe the artist that influenced her most was Joaquin Sorolla. She met Sorolla when she was studying in Madrid, Spain. Sorolla is a Spanish Impressionist best known for landscape and genre paintings (5). During the early 1900s Peterson traveled all over the world including: Europe, the Middle East, and Coastal New England (6). While traveling she created paintings of scenic landscapes. Peterson’s journey to Egypt in 1910 supplied her with the subject matter for multiple paintings including Boats on the Nile, Dawn. Key elements of the impressionistic style in Boats on the Nile, Dawn include heavy brushstrokes and vibrant colors. This painting portrays a sunrise at dawn with “two traditional Egyptian sailboats known as, “feluccas, gliding along the Nile (4).”
Margaret was a pioneer in special education. Margaret believed that all children have the right to learn and that educators and doctors have the responsibility to find out everything about all different types of children.
Becoming a Veterinary Technician About 65% of U.S. households, or about 79.7 million families own a pet. (Pet Statistics) On average, you should take your pet to the veterinarian 1-2 times a year, once your pet reaches the age of 6 months. Taking your pet to the veterinarian is one the most important jobs you need to do as a pet owner. Not only do you have to make sure your pet is eating, drinking, and getting enough exercise, but your pet needs to be in good health.
Mary Cassatt is known world-wide for her impressing art in which she focuses mainly in the everyday life of women and children. She is an American artist born in Pennsylvania on May 22, 1844, but later relocates to Europe in 1866 to pursue to work in art. This was mainly due to her family’s and society’s objections to women in the field of art. There she met and befriended famous Impressionist Edgar Degas. Because of her close friendship with Degas, she grew courage to continue to do art in her own way. She continued to paint until she slowly began to lose her eyesight and later died in 1926. Cassatt was part of the Impressionist style movement, in which she painted portraits unlike many others who painted landscapes (biography.com). Her artwork
Losing family members is a common dilemma us humans have to experience during our lifetime and it can sometimes cause severe emotional problems. Many painters have used art as a getaway from life and all its difficulties we must go through have inspired them to create art pieces influenced by depression. Although his art work is quite extravagant in many ways, "he claims he is 'self taught', ignoring the fact of him receiving little advice from two established Academic painters, Felix Auguste- Clement and Jean- Leon Gerome." (2).
Louise Bourgeois was one of these six artists and her mother had died with an illness that had haunted Bourgeois. “When Bourgeois mother died in 1932 (ah, these dead mothers!), she abruptly switched from studying math at the Sorbonne to studying art” (pg 128). Louise Bourgeois has touched hearts with amazing sculptors that she has made. Her sculptures were influenced as a reminder of her mother. She sculpted a spider that now stands in New York city, this spider symbolized a lot of meaning to her, she stated “The Spider is an ode to my mother. She was my best friend. Like a spider, my mother was a weaver….Like spiders, my mother was very clever. Spiders are friendly presences that eat mosquitoes” (pg 133). Another artist was Ana Mendieta, she was the only artist that had experienced a lot of abuse growing up and it made a rebel out of her. Mendieta was known for making beautiful sculptors in the landscape, due to her abuse, she no longer had a motherland to turn to. She decided to join with earth to help return to her womb. Mendieta had no relationship with her mother. “Born in Cuba, she came to the United States in 1961 at the age of twelve with her sister Raquelin, fourteen. They had only each other,