
Job Dismissals And Sweet Deals

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Introduction The last few decades have seen an unprecedented decline in the density and bargaining power of trade unions in western democracies. Among the reasons for this trend, include rapid globalization, volatile market conditions that trigger unemployment, the prevalence of anti-union laws, and intense hostility of employers towards unionization. Cyclic economic downturns have increased the operating costs over the years, especially in the form of wages and salaries demanded by employees through trade unions. High costs of operations translate into profit and revenue erosion, which threatens the viability of business organizations. For this reason, the majority of employers perceive unions as a “competitive liability” (Jackson, 2013). Employer hostility towards unions has intensified in recent years, leading to increased violations of labor laws in various workplaces. Companies use threats of job dismissals and sweet deals such as employee improvement programs to minimize union membership in their firms (Foster, Laird, McAndrew, & Murrie, n.d.). In the face of rising unemployment and surplus labor provided by low-skilled immigrant workers, employees are reluctant to engage in activities that threaten their job security, including unionism. As a result, union density and influence continues to fall particularly in the private sector where managerial resistance is stronger and endemic in the wake of capitalism and profit-maximization orientation (Jackson, 2013). This

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