
Job Satisfaction, Stress, and Motivation:

Good Essays

Job Satisfaction, Stress, and Motivation:
Impacting your Performance and Commitment in the Workplace

An analysis of a current work situation

Lamorea N. Stanton
AMBA 620 – Managing People and Groups in the Global Workplace
Professor Patricia McKenna
October 21, 2010


Job satisfaction, stress, and motivation are factors which can have a significant impact in the workplace as they all can impact your performance and commitment on your job. Job satisfaction, which is defined as a “pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences” (Colquitt, Lepine, & Wesson, 2011, p. 105), is determined when employees know what they value the most. Some of the top values on a job that are of …show more content…

I cannot say that promotion satisfaction, as Colquitt et al. refers to it, applies in my case, because due to the way our organization is structured, policies are not stated and so no one can complain about whether they are “frequent, fair, or based on ability” (Colquitt et al., 2011, p. 107). However, because the notion of growth within the organization is not possible, it still has a negative effect on my job satisfaction.
Job characteristics and the work situation The five core job characteristics that Colquitt et al. (2011) explains all play a part in my current situation at work, however, some of those characteristics have more of an integral role than others, as they affect my job satisfaction. Variety, which is the first job characteristic, is mid-level, because while bill preparation and processing is repetitious and monotonous, everyday is different as I often have to take on some of the duties of my co-workers and I work over-time sporadically. Variety also does not have much of an impact on my job situation. The second core characteristic is identity and my job has high identity. Though identity does not matter as much in explaining my current work situation, it enhances the positive feelings toward my job satisfaction. When I am finished processing a bill or editing an executive order, I feel the weight of that particular task from start to finish and once it is complete, I can feel comfortable with moving on to the next task.

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