By doing this assignment, it help me confirm my academic goal of graduating with a bachelor's degree in health management and to find a career at a hospital or rehabilitation center. It help me identify the Job Zone and the amount of education and experience needed to achieve that goal. Furthermore, it helped identify my interest and what type of work I would be interested in doing. It gave me insight on what role I am particularly inclined to play and how it can correspond with the different zones needed for different careers. This information has given me a clearer understanding of who I am and where I want my career to go. It has also gave me insight to what I do need to complete, and the expectations required to achieve my goals.
For as long as I could remember my ultimate goal in life has always had to deal with health care; I want to help as many people as I can in a variety of different aspects. Regardless if it is nursing or a physician assistant this is a career choice I’ve always saw myself pursuing. I could easily see myself waking up everyday and surrounding myself in a hospital setting; I’m not sure what it is but I enjoy that fast pace environment the hospital has and the variety of different environments I could put myself in while I take care of my patients. I hope to have personal, one on one relationships with patients because I find establishing close relationships with any patient you have helps in regards to their own comfort. I’m mildly content with being managed, I do not necessary want to manage others; I find I enjoy having a structure and someone to tell me what I am doing right or wrong appose to it being myself correcting my own actions without any guidance.
By obtaining a degree in Healthcare Management I will develop a set of skills that will increase my knowledge in healthcare overall and contribute to the growth of Bioscrip in meeting its goals. To name a few of these skills I will possess is management , finance, accounting, healthcare systems in being able to incorporate document management procedures and techniques, as well as risk management. These skills will be applied in areas of Bioscrip such as Intake, Reimbursement and Finance.
Libby Faffler, LNHA, became interested in health care administration during her undergraduate education at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Originally, when she began her college education she wanted to become a nurse. That plan changed during her sophomore year after she transferred to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. It was during this time that she realized nursing was not the path she wanted to take. However, Libby was still interested in the health care field and wanted to pursue a career in that direction. When she looked at the health care administration major, she noticed that most of her pre-nursing courses coincided with the courses needed for the health care administrator major. Libby then decided to pursue a degree in health care
I found the program to be well rounded in the health care field and I am happy that I chose to continue with this program as an entry into the health administration field. This program has given me more opportunity to prepare an entrance into a professional environment of being of service in various health facilities and agencies, clinics and hospitals. The responsibility of the health administrator will encompass a wide variety of duties including but not limited to administrative, medical, legal and ethical requirements and brilliantly combines the overall knowledge of the business administration and the health care system.
Find, and list, at least 10 different careers from various sectors in the health care industry. Describe the role of each career and explain what makes that profession different from the others. You can include, but are not limited to, factors such as education and experience requirements, services rendered or products offered, licensure, pay, involvement with other health care sectors, and type of work duties.
Time flows like a river and you find yourself not thinking the way you used to as a child. As I grew older, my dreams and goals changed as well as my mindset on how to achieve those aspirations. Mercyhurst University’s Public Health Program is the main step toward helping me achieve my career goal of becoming a Registered Health Information Technician. I’d like to define success as many achievements and accomplishments, as well as the coming of knowledge for that which was unknown to one’s self. Therefore, there should never be an ending to a success story. It was when I graduated as a medical assistant that sparked the realization to what field I was most interested in.
Healthcare and healthcare planning are vital in today’s ever-changing world, without education and experience one cannot help patients or make policy changes that benefit all stakeholders. In addition, many people do not understand the ever-changing medical policies and treatment options that are available. Therefore, I am compelled to use my knowledge and education to coordinate healthcare needs of the people in my community. Whether this is managing outpatient care, inpatient care needs or healthcare resources. Therefore, the Marylhurst Healthcare MBA program and all three concentrations will enable me to obtain the skills I need to succeed.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2010 report examines the role of the nurse in this rapidly changing complex health care system as well as the responsibilities and education of nurses to meet the need of an aging population. The IOM Report made many recommendation that affect nurses and nursing profession. I did not realize how much the Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing report would affect me, especially recommendation 4, 5, and 6. I returned back to school in 2012, but I got discourage and overwhelm with work and school, therefore, I stopped after the first class. But as changes where occurring in health care delivery, and these changes were affecting my current position at work, I decided to return back to school since the hospitals
Working within health and social care it might be different from another career path. You have to be committed to people, have good communication and listening skills, and be willing to make a real difference to people’s lives. If you feel that you are fulfilling your ambitions from knowing that your job is helping people by contributing to their health, happiness and wellbeing, you are in the right place. Before choosing a specific career, it is important to know that within this sector, there are always entry routes for people of all ages and all levels of experience, which means that no matter what your background is, you constantly have an opportunity.
Job design theory is an important concept in business management. The way a job is designed affects employee work performance. It is crucial that organizations create an environment where workers are motivated by jobs in which they feel challenged but at the same time, their work goes with the objectives of the company. Designing jobs properly will cause a positive impact on motivation, performance, and job satisfaction on those who perform them (Moorhead and Griffin, 1998). According to the hierarchical scheme of five basic needs of A. H. Maslow, people need to stay alive, to be safe, to be with others, to be respected and to do work that corresponds to our gifts and abilities (Bittel and Newstrom, 1990). Based
After graduation I aim to work in the health industry as there are different options of occupations. The health industry is associated with insurers, providers and the community. Providers to the public have occupations such as clinical psychologists, nurses, doctors, dietitian, physiologist and other professions. This essay will go through the industry, professional skills that are required and personal skills.
The health info fair is a annual event which is organized by members of the Davis Health Careers Academy. Students together with the teachers start preparing for this event from the beginning of the school year. The students are divided into groups of 4-5 and each group is given a specific topic to research about. Each grade level has a different topic. During my sophomore year our grade level discussed about the different careers in the health field. My group was given the opportunity to research about careers in the rehabilitation sector. This year we were given the chance to research about the different systems of human body and my group researched about the circulatory system. The health info fair is also a time for students to have fun and socially interact with others. Students get a chance to look at other students work. This short essay discusses about the two groups which I found interesting and they are registered nurse and surgeons.
My goal is to have a career in health care management. While researching careers, I discovered health care management. I choose health care management as my career option for two reasons. I’m looking for a career where I can do what I passionate about and impact lives. These are important factor in my career choice. Health care management met my two requirements and at that point I knew this was the career for me. I firmly believe that any career I pursue should be one that I’m passionate about. One of my passions is helping others. Health care managers help patients just as much as doctors, nurses and other clinical professionals. For me it’s very imperative that I find a career were I would have impact the lives of others. This would ensure that I’m fulfilling one of my purposes in life. I 'm ready to experience the emotional and intellectual rewards my MBA will
My mission is to become a professional who would manage, lead, and improve a dynamic healthcare system. Understandably, marketing and public relations in healthcare require financing and regulations to make positive impacts in the lives of clients and co-workers. My interest in taking a healthcare career was founded on three factors: leadership, quality improvement, and healthy aging. My career mission is founded on emerging as a skilled servant leader by not doing the job for myself, but to fulfill the organization’s mission. I would prefer serving my clients without an ego and I will include both paperwork helping patients, staff members and official meetings. Overall, I am passionate about a client-directed philosophy that puts the health needs of patients above the convenience of my organization. The current situation demands that healthcare practitioners build healthcare models in the needs of clients served rather than the customs of staff.
Management as it relates to the health services realm requires a deep understanding of coordinating the delivery of healthcare. One must be able to utilize frameworks to recognize and develop solutions to challenges within managing healthcare. My desire to become a health services manager (HSM) spawns directly from this concept of identifying an issue and being able to present interventions and approaches to improve the overall quality of life for communities.