Joe Arpaio was a sheriff of Maricopa County and a judge ordered him to stop going and investigating people based on whether they were undocumented immigrants or not. The judge did this because one, it’s a federal offence and has nothing to do with his job as a sheriff in Maricopa County. Second of all, in order for him to investigate people he needed to have probable cause and/or needed to think that there is some sort of crime being committed. Sheriff Arpaio basically told the judge that he wasn’t going to look for a crime and stated that he was just going to go into Latino neighborhoods and see if people were undocumented and then arrest them. The judge continued by telling Arpaio that he didn’t think he understood that he was not allowed …show more content…
President Trump completely ignores the rule of law and doesn’t follow the steps to pardon someone for their crime. When Trump pardons Arpaio, he says that he does not care if you follow federal judge’s orders. In my opinion what Trump basically said is if you’re a political supporter of his then our system of government and courts are irrelevant. This statement goes to the very heart of the rule of law so that leads to why did he do it? My first thought is that Trump likes Sheriff Arpaio because he’s a supporter of his; basically, if you’re a supporter of him then you can break the law and violate federal judge’s orders. I personally believe that Trump is a “strong man” and just lets his allies ignore that rule of law and this is crystal clear to me. This was a ruling from a federal judge and Trump just tore it to pieces! Trumps thoughtless decision has now led to his supporters that were in his campaign and administration are now being investigated by Robert Mueller. But, these people being investigated need to remember to just not cooperate with the authorities and if they hold them in contempt of court, oh
Bill O’Reilly, Martin Dugard, “Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault That Changed a Presidency”, New York, Henry Holt and Company, 2015, pp336, $30.00
Forensic argument_ in our city (Phoenix, AZ) we used to have our sheriff Joe Arpaio who was well known as the thoughts sheriff of all the time. Even though, he was doing a great job by keeping our families safe and taking care of the animal cruelty. He was also known as the most racial sheriff of the town. He became notorious to undocumented families after activist start noticed he was violating the federal judge order to stop enforcing civil immigration laws. In 2011 he had a preliminary injunction where the order banned deputies from detaining anyone solely on suspicion they were undocumented. Again, he continued to detain illegal immigrants event though he had an order from the judge. Now, he still in trials and might face up to six months
Arizona former sheriff, Joe Arpaio, attained a reputation for his inhuman treatment of undocumented immigrants and prisoners. Arpaio job was to protect the people of his community from crime. The very law he was sworn to uphold he flagrant disregard it .Arpaio and his department would roundup Hispanic looking people and detained them; because, they thought they was illegal immigrant. He would referred to his jail as an concentrate camp and separated the prisoners by race. His obsess with cracking down on illegal immigrant cause him and his staff to overlooked many sexually abuse cases including children. Arpaio even held an faulty sweep where a house was set on fire killing the occupants and puppy. Arpaio leadership style was unethical and
In 2011, a United States Federal District Court Judge ordered Sheriff and Arpaio and his
Joe DiMaggio was one of the best baseball players of all time. He set many records, including the longest wining streak in Major League Baseball history, it lasted 56 games. He came to America as the son of poor Italian immigrants, but grew up to be an American Icon.
On Friday August 24th, President Donald Trump pardoned a former Arizona sheriff, Joe Arpaio. A court convicted Arpaio of criminal contempt after he ignored a court order in a racial profiling case after he illegally targeted latino families on the basis of him believing them to be undocumented ( Liptack, Diaz, Tatum).
Monday morning during a press conference, President Donald Trump defended the pardoning of former Sheriff Joe Arpaio. In brief, Arpaio was initially found guilty on the charges of criminal contempt for violating court orders, despite the legal argument that he was not knowingly defying the judge’s orders. Specifically, the order to not detain any suspected undocumented immigrants. These rulings were given after a case in 2013 found him guilty of racial profiling.
Joe Louis was born in Alabama on May 13, 1914. He was the son of an Alabama sharecropper, the great grandson of a slave, and the great great grandson of a white slave owner.
In this paper I argue that S.B. 1070 should be not be upheld for two reasons. First, in ways that will be explicated below, S.B. 1070 directly conflicts with federal immigration law; thus it is preempted according to the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. Second, the law is unconstitutional because it allows for discrimination by police officers on the basis of race or national origin. This Note contends that the Ninth Circuit correctly affirmed the decision of the lower court to find S.B. 1070 preempted by federal immigration law; however the Ninth Circuit should have also found that S.B. 1070 is unconstitutional on discriminatory grounds. Part II discusses the evolution of the relevant case law. Part III of the Note illustrates the relevant portions of S.B. 1070 and the District Court’s reasoning in United States v. Arizona. Part IV explains why the Ninth Circuit correctly affirmed the decision that S.B. 1070 is preempted by federal immigration law and expounds how the law is also discriminatory on the basis of national origin against Hispanics. Finally, Part V comments on the possible consequences of S.B. 1070 and the effect of a Supreme Court decision to either affirm or reverse the injunction.
On the issues, Ted Cruz holds many unique positions, often stirring controversy amongst Democrats and fellow Republicans alike. Ted Cruz identifies strongly with the Tea Party Movement, leaning to the far right on many social, domestic and international issues. He particularly emphasizes his bold stances on issues like fighting ISIS, reducing taxes, and lifting regulations on business. However, one area that Cruz is especially passionate about is the many social issues that are debated by American citizens. On gay marriage, Cruz has maintained that he as a believer in traditional marriage between a man and a woman. He sponsored and passed a bill in the United States Senate to leave the decision of marriage to individual state legislatures.
Fiorello LaGuardia was born on December 11th 1882 to immigrants of Italian and Jewish ancestry in New York. He served as the mayor of New York City from 1945-1945. He is considered to be one of the mayors who redefined New York City politics. Fiorello had a very long career in politics before serving as mayor. After graduating New York University law school in 1910, LaGuardia practiced law and was appointed Deputy Attorney General. He also served many terms in Congress as a republican. LaGuardia lost his first try at the Mayor's race to Jimmy Walker in 1929, but was successful on his second try in 1933.
One example is a testimony from a Mr. Alberto Lovato, a 29-year-old Latino man that who was pulled over for allegedly using a turning lane to pass other vehicles, even though police records show that the area the police officer stopped Mr. Lovato was more than 15 miles away from the site of the alleged violation. The police officer apparently drew his pistol, held it on Mr. Lovato, and ordered him to get out of the car and lie face down on the ground, where he was put in handcuffs and dragged toward the back of the police car. He was then held in custody based solely on his race, and questioned about gang activity, and drug and weapons trafficking. He spent several more hours in jail even after interrogation; reportedly stopped on the side of the road because of passing illegally.
With the economy of the United States in shambles, illegal immigration and the effects it has on health care can no longer be ignored. America has a whole needs to be concerned and well informed of the issues rather than collecting information piecemeal by way of media or other biased groups. If illegal immigration stays its present course the American tax-payer will continue to fund the well being of individuals who have broken federal rules and regulations and are being supported by law abiding citizens. This argument is not about individual rights to live and prosper. It is not about race or discrimination of any sort. It is only about the effects on health care that I am addressing.
George W. Bush was born in New Haven, Connecticut on July 6, 1946. Just like other presidents, he had his good times and his bad times. He was the forty-third president of The United States. Because of those who had preceded him in The Oval Office, he understood the importance of being the Commander in Chief. In all of the events that happened during his presidency he never gave up on his country (Biography; Gale: Vol 21).
Mevlana Jalal al- Din Rumi is one of the most influential Islamic mystics of all times. It is no surprise that even seven hundred years after his death; he remains to be the best selling poet in North America. His poetry reflects the teachings of Islam and his opinions on various matters such as faith, prayer, love, free will etc. are assembled in a book called “The signs of the Unseen”. Occasionally, commentators dissociate Rumi poetry’s from Islam but the fact is that Rumi’s entire writings are inspired from the Quran and sayings of Prophet (PBUH) and represent the essence of Islam.