
Joe Haller: Cartoon Analysis

Decent Essays

When giving an argument you would normally use words, but in some cases words cannot convey what you may feel. So an image could be better suited. Through images you can still argue ideas and persuade an audience as though you had used words. In Joe Haller’s cartoon it describes the current situation the globe has with energy and the effect it may have on individuals. The cartoon is viewed from left to right; it starts with an image of a nuclear power plant exploding! The cartoon then moves to an image of an oil spill, following this image we see a coal mine that has collapsed on itself. Lastly we can see man yelling “ITS IN MY BACKYARD” with a windmill in the background. The cartoon is clearly a satire and is making a joke of the NIMBY …show more content…

Haller is symbolizing past events and is using them in his work. Japan had a nuclear spill back in 2012 which Haller is attempting to symbolize in this cartoon. He also uses symbolism throughout his cartoon in an attempt to show the ignorance of the NIMBY organization. The oil spill image can be viewed as underwater, because there are a few sea shells on the floor, the floor itself looks sandy, and the oil pipe has the letters “BP” written on it, again Haller is referring to past events. BP stands for British Petroleum, in 2010 BP had an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. On the last two images in the cartoon Haller does not infancies on symbolism as much. The coal mine image starts with the mine being collapsed on and has many tombstones all around, the audience can assume that the mine collapsed and killed the workers inside. Back in 2013 a coal mine is Virginia collapsed and killed 2, Haller is again showing how new developments can affect individuals. In the last image of the cartoon Haller is really focusing on the NIMBY group. The audience can infer this by looking at the man in the image and his surroundings. The man looks to be very angry, his hands are in the air and he is yelling “It’s in my backyard!”, but his environment and his clothes are very telling. The sky behind him is very blue, the grass he is

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