
Joe Scarpa

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Writing Assignment: Port of Call: Earth by Joe Scarpa Out of all the public sculptures I have had the pleasure of viewing, the one that intrigued me the most was the sculpture located in Southside Park named Port of Call: Earth which was created by Joe Scarpa. The piece towers over both the playground and the lake that surround it. The sculpture itself is a representational model that depicts a chrome spaceship silhouetted against the sky. The spaceship is not rigid, for it barely uses any straight lines, instead making use of curves throughout most of the piece. The spaceship is decorated with ventilation tubing, spiral chimney caps, windows, engines, and a satellite on the front. It even has small sculptures of alien creatures inside and on top of the piece. All of …show more content…

The piece interacts with the surrounding environment by being as playful as the things that surround it. Both the playground and lake are places for recreation and fun, the playfulness of a fantasy object, like an unidentified flying object filled with aliens, really accentuates the feeling of fun and imagination that fellow park visitors look for. Having a piece that brings the viewers to a place of gaiety and enjoyment in a park is fantastic placement. This piece is not meant to be a piece that generates intense emotion or social criticism, but one that is supposed to bring the some laughter. The ridiculousness of the situation Scarpa creates can only be to provide some laughter to its audience. Public art can have many functions, however there is only one function that I value above the others: giving a community an identity. Public art brings people’s attention not to just the art piece or the artist, but its surroundings as well. Both residents and visitors of communities where public art is present often relate the community to its art, identifying Southside Park as “the park with the spaceship.” Public art often represents its community

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