
Joevaughn Special Education Case Study

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According to available records, JoeVaughn has been enrolled in special education classes since elementary school. Based on his Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), JoeVaughn has qualified for special education services for an Emotional Disturbance. His most recent school placement was as a 9th grade student at High Roads Academy in Washington, D.C. At High Roads, the respondent was receiving comprehensive support services including transportation to and from school, specialized instruction, an educational aide in the classroom, and individual counseling services. JoeVaughn has never skipped or repeated a grade. He reported “Good, honor roll grades” while in elementary school but endorsed numerous suspensions in middle school for disruptive …show more content…

His standard score is within the low average range for his grade. His mathematics reasoning ability is limited; math reasoning tasks above the grade 8 level will be quite difficult for him. JoeVaughn will likely require intensive instructional support and target interventions in math.”

A review of records indicates that JoeVaughn was evaluated on 11/12/14 by the Child Guidance Clinic of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia’s Family Court-Social Services Division. This report revealed JoeVaughn’s full scale IQ score to be 82, which fell into the Low Average range of intelligence. The test results also suggested that at the age of 15, he was performing at the age equivalency of a 9-year-old child in broad reading, math, and written expression. Many of his subtest scores suggest that he is performing at the level of a 7- or 8-year-old child across subjects. For example, he scored 64 in sentence writing fluency which places his performance at the level of an 8-year-old. Similarly, his number matrices subtest score was 61, reflecting a negligible relative proficiency at about the level of a 6-year, 8-month-old child. Based on his average level IQ and below grade level achievement scores, JoeVaughn …show more content…

The Child Guidance Clinic evaluation also revealed diagnosis of Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder. Historically, he has been diagnosed with a host of mental health concerns including both mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and disorders of conduct. A description of JoeVaughn from the Child Guidance Clinic’s evaluation reads as

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