
Johannes Gutenburg's Influence

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Johannes Gutenburg was a German inventor that was born in Mainz, Germany in 1395. Although there were multiple innovations that deeply impacted multiple things that are still in use today, one of the most important ones was the printing press. Gutenburg's invention was one of the critical factors in the Renaissance. The printing press was proposed to the West in the Holy Roman Empire around 1440. It not only had a huge influence on the way citizens spent their daily lives, but also helped broaden additional information, inspired more people to be educated and it helped spread the sprouting of religion. It was the start of something new and evolved throughout the entire world.
In the early years, trained scribes would spend months if not years rewriting scriptures and texts. Due to that, books were tremendously expensive and scarce. Every copy of the book must be handwritten. Since books wear out eventually and are vulnerable, it takes a large number of literate scribes simply to maintain a sizable collection. Before the printing press was invented, a common way of writing was Block Printing. This involved Europeans carving text into a block of wood and printing it on paper. No longer …show more content…

The text of the Bible has changed through time, and Gutenberg based his version on documents used in the Rhine area of Germany in the 14th and 15th centuries.Non-religious books were also being printed. For example, there were books about grammar, etiquette and geology etc. Universities and other teaching institutions began to develop at a rapidly increasing pace because of the ability to easily print books and other texts.Within fifty years of Gutenberg’s first Bible, more copies of books were produced than in several of the previous centuries together. Printing spread new ideas quickly and with a greater

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