
Johawk Volleyball Game Analysis

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Half way through this Mohawk Volleyball season, Coach Nicole Hunter is working the varsity team hard. But, all that hard work is showing improvements. “Each and every game our girls are improving in whatever aspect we have been focusing on in practice,” Coach Hunter explains. Although their record may not portray the hard work they put in and improvements that are occurring, multiple close matches have stacked up in their favor. Matches such as the ones against Marshalltown, Clear Lake, and many others. One match that Coach Hunter will always remember from last season is the game against Decorah. As Coach Hunter put it, “We had battled through a lot of tough injuries throughout the season and we still won that first round game. That had not been done for a long time at MCHS and I was thrilled for the girls to accomplish that!” But, this season, speaking for myself, the most memorable moment or game was the one against Des Moines Lincoln. Mason City and Des Moines were tied with two sets each, and they had one last set to fifteen to determine the ultimate winner, and …show more content…

She spent some time speaking about teamwork, and how that is what she has been working on all season. In her words, “Volleyball without teamwork is like football without it’s balls.” What she means by this is that without teamwork, volleyball is a meaningless game of keep the ball off the ground, and working on teamwork is a key aspect for all volleyball players to focus on. Shaye is also looking forward to bonding with her teammates she’s been playing with for at least two years. To finalize that statement, Shaye added this, “It’s really a fun time when you make the stupidest jokes and say dumb things to each under our breath when the other team serves.” Volleyball, as Shaye would agree with, is a team sport full of memories and good

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