I see homeless people every day near my home in North Oakland, CA. They live underneath the BART tracks and the Highway 24 overpasses that crisscross my neighborhood. Like many of us, I hold my breath, cast down my eyes, and pass by them as quickly as possible. But because John is an addict living on the streets somewhere nearby, I can’t completely ignore them. I glance up, search their faces, and look for recognition. John’s story is a painful one. A well-educated, successful research veterinarian, a loving husband, father, son, and brother, he became hooked on meth over ten years ago. His subsequent downward spiral has been long and tragic. His addiction spread like venom, poisoning everyone around him. He took his wife and children, my
It is a melancholy hearing about the issue of homelessness worldwide. There are countless homeless people on the streets of these large cities. So we ask ourselves; why are people still without homes when new jobs are being created everyday or when unemployment still has not reached zero? This seems to be an ever haunting problem even though it would be so easy to erase it. I think we have reached our limits of dealing with thousands of homeless people blocking doorsteps and sidewalks disturbing us with their begging hands. While most claim to use the money we provide them to buy food or shelter, most will use it feed their addictions. Do you want your money being spent on cigarettes and alcohol? Why should we have to give
Methamphetamines (Meth) cause a wide array of problems with its users, a lot of which are permanent. Meth’s affects range from neurological issues, alertness, paranoia, and aggression. It also leads to psychological and physical disorders. Because Meth is a stimulant, it can cause the user to be up for days and even weeks at a time causing stress to the body and can result in over exerting oneself and inevitably something will give. Personal problems from users will be talked about, as well as scientific studies on the Meth epidemic.
The Homeless are a vulnerable population. Homelessness is a social issue that anyone can almost be subjected to despite his or her age, race, ethnicity or geographical background. Kornblum (2012) defined homelessness as… “as a social condition in which people do not have regular housing and are forced to sleep in public places, public shelters, or facilities designed for homeless individuals and families” (p.280). The homeless population faces several adversaries in their lifetime of being homeless. Their adversaries are a lack physical and emotional disabilities, and possibly drug abuse. Grant some are homeless by choice, whereas most are homeless by mishaps, but nevertheless, they are humans deserving to be treated with fairness, dignity,
The reality of homeless people in the South Bronx district of Hunts Point is still on the rise today. Everywhere a bystander goes whether in the parks, streets, trains, buses, unoccupied lots, under bridge landscapes, and cities they are likely to see a homeless person struggling to survive. The Hunts Point neighborhood deserves to be an affordable, safe, comfortable place to live in, and not to be forgotten, and not to be left in the streets with uncertainty. In today’s society, a lot of people tune out the homelessness situation that is surrounding them because they are so driven by work and money to make a livelihood, but at the same time, they can be placed in this situation and loss of a home and assets. For example, psychologist Abraham
This nation is facing a problem with a powerful stimulant, known as Meth. Meth is a highly addictive drug that is, and a hard to kick. Meth is a huge money making business so the marketing of the drug is not only targeted to adults, but the younger generation as well. Despite the effort with the war on drugs, Law Enforcement is facing a tough battle of controlling the clandestine meth labs, and meth brought to the United States from Mexico. Meth not only hurts the user, but families, and communities as well. Education and awareness to the public can help with the battle on Meth. Although through education, intervention, and rehabilitation there is help to combat meth abuse, meth is a potent dangerous drug that destroys lives,
Homelessness exists as a prominent issue that plagues society in various ways. It brings about hardship and controversy as individuals struggle to survive on a daily basis. Additionally, this complication tears families apart and ostracizes individuals from a society where they once belonged. A specific problem regarding homelessness consists of lack of interest from bystanders; some of these spectators refuse to even acknowledge homeless individuals sitting at their feet. As homeless people live their lives on street-corners, the more fortunate members of society choose to engulf themselves in their personal problems alone. Displayed by their clothing and accessories, most of these individuals possess the ability to help in some way;
“Homelessness, once viewed as transient and situational, has become a growing public health problem that has escaped ready solutions” (Bassuk et al., 2014). Homeless population has been increasing in the United States drastically, and with the increase in the homeless population it is also important to provide a comforting environment for the homeless population. Many of the homeless population come from various backgrounds and they don’t choose to be homeless but the circumstances lead them to be homeless. Consequently, the at risk population that is facing harsh circumstances needs to have an environment in which they can feel comfortable in and have an access to the basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shower facilities. Therefore, the volunteers at the facilities that helps the homeless population need to have a knowledge in which ways they should react with the homeless population.
Methamphetamine is the most addictive drug used today. It appeals to people of all ages, and is not a respecter of person. It is creating a society with no future. Unless we as a society can contain and stop this issue, there will be no hope. What is the federal government doing to stop this problem? How are Pharmaceutical companies reacting to this issue? What are the effects on the general public? This is just some of the issues that were discussed in Frontline’s ‘The Meth Epidemic’ video. We will attempt to answer these questions throughout this paper.
Walking down the streets of any city here in England, a person is often faced with an issue that is usually overlooked, homelessness. Homelessness in England could be a major issue considering that over 185,000 people are homeless at any time (The Guardian, 2016). Homelessness is something that a lot of people are accustomed to witnessing on a daily basis; homeless people can be seen wandering the streets and digging through trash in order to survive another day. Usually when people see homeless people they immediately avoid eye contact, their first instinct is to ignore them. They are automatically labeled as people who are too lazy to get jobs or addicts who have spent all their money on drugs or alcohol and they would much rather live on
Lazy, drug user, alcoholic, and worthless are many of the stereotypes that can be ascribed to homeless people. As heartbreaking as it is, many want to work and not all homeless people are subjected to drug use. Moreover, are they worthless. The stigma attached to homeless persons has continued from the earliest days of American history. This issue of homelessness prompted me to make this my broad topic, while figuring out what is it that we need to improve on, in order to help the homeless. My goal is to open many people's eyes on what homeless men endure, but what factors could we, service providers, implement to better help them. We love to hear about women who have been victims of domestic violence, single motherhood, abused children, veterans, and abused puppies. Which are all important but what about the homeless men? I want to be able to give one viewpoints from a homeless man’s standpoint, which could alter the way we not only help them, but view them.
Although people tend to pass homeless people on street corners every day without batting an eye, it must be realized that the homeless are our neighbors and deserve someone who will show them compassion to ease the suffering they face on a daily basis. It seems as though we have become desensitized to what it really means to be homeless. Although it is common to see multiple homeless people in Denver on any given day, the general public doesn’t often think about what it would feel like to be cold and hungry, with nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Many
As Greg blew into his saxophone, the sad song wafted out into the auditorium. He began to remember his past, his parents dying, him becoming homeless and finding a saxophone on the street and learning how to play it without no help, people throwing money in the bucket when Greg’s playing the saxophone. Thanking the man who heard him playing the instrument on the street and made him an artist, and making him the man he is today, the life he never expected. Going through all the incidents he went through his life, the bad times of him sleeping on the streets, no food, begging on the streets playing the saxophone. Greg is 45 today, it is Greg’s last concert and his birthday, he is dressed up in a black suit with a red tie, his bald head shining
Homelessness is an epidemic social problem that faces several individuals and families across the United States, especially in Detroit, Michigan. You may have seen a person or family sleeping on a park bench, under bridges and other public areas. Perhaps you have seen them holding up a sign on a street corner asking for money because of the hunger pains. At some point, we all had taken a look at the person holding up their sign thinking it’s not my problem. Why should I help? They’re probably lying or scamming just to make money to buy drugs and alcohol. However, there is a small part of us who may want to give money, buy some food or we may to choose to ignore the problem. Who are we to decide who’s
I hear them get closer and closer as the porch creaks every step to the door. My heart feels like its pounding through my chest, and sweat is pouring off my face as I sprint in a panic. I hear the key turning and the door opening just as I jump out the window.
I just saw the video and my reaction was sad. Because the barter was mean to the man that was play the role of the homeless man. How do you feel you would have reacted had you been a customer sitting at the bar when this situation happened? If I was there as a customer I would done same as the good man that brought the homeless man a burger. Even reacted like the good old man that want to call the police on the barter that want to take the money way from the homeless man. Why? Because the homeless man actor was not do any wrong their the good woman took in the restaurant give the money so he can get something to eat there, So that was his money and all he want was some to eat. He is a person too so has the right to eat at the restaurant too.